•#4• I Knew You Were Trouble

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"I knew you were trouble when you walked in
So shame on me now
Flew me to places I'd never been
Now I'm lying on the cold hard ground"  

--Taylor Swift, I Knew You Were Trouble

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From: Daniel Jacob Doyle.

October 19th

Dear Lissa,

Have you ever felt this urgent need to cheer someone up? Like them being upset seemed just wrong? That the tears of a beautiful blue-eyed girl should be illegal?

Well, dimples, you are that someone to me...


"Way of showing it," I retort and Lissa lets out a soft laugh.

" Now that it's over as so many people predicted, I was prepared for a bunch of I- told- you- so or sympathetic looksnot for him to come back to hurt me more than he already has by pretending he wants me back. I don't understand." 

"I don't either, if you want my opinion, an hour ago I would've probably told you to hear him out, because sometimes when people cheat on others is not with the intention of doing them any harm. It's because love strikes when it wants to. But for what I could tell he is not in love with Brittany so he destroyed everything for nothig really, so now my advice would be for you to do what you just did. It was pretty badass."

"I know right! I mean, I don't understand what the hell was he pretending with both of us, it's messed up really, all this pain and nothing good comes out of it. But wait, how much did your listen?"

"I don't think I saw much of it. I saw both of you leave and you looked pretty upset and I was worried he might hurt you, so as soon as we finished the song I told Cameron to cover for me and went looking for you but you were really giving him an earful by then so I knew you had it under control, but after that kiss move, which was amazing by the way, I could see him get angrier by the second so I stayed nearby in case you needed me." I sound really nosy right now but it was with good intentions" I guess she understands that because she looks grateful I did.

"Thank you, really. But sorry you had to see all that, I'm so ashamed right now. I mean everyone knows he didn't do relationships, even I knew what I was getting into. "

"Then why give it a shot? I mean, there were more cons than pros."

"You know those cliché stories were the girl changes the guy's player ways because he finally found someone to love and settle down for?"

Yeah I heard that part of her fight with Aiden. And I couldn't believe she fell for all that fairytale bullshit but I believe she's way smarter than that so I think there's really more to it than her just being naive. Hell if I ever get a love story it will be your typical bad boy chick flick so I just think cliché is willing to hit everyone and anyone because it happens often enough for it to homogenie every single love story.

"Well, I thought that I could live into that story," I guess my expression reflects my thoughts because she quickly adds," I mean, obviously I knew I was being delusional if I thought everything was that easy and full of glitter and fireworks, but in the moment, Daniel, I was flying and he somehow made me feel like that girl. I gave it a shot because I thought that at the same time it was a chance for him to finally settle down and change for me." She looks at me for a brief second with such vulnerability in her eyes, and it just makes me wonder why people would do this to such a beautiful human being who just made the common mistake of falling in love? 

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