•#12• If These Sheets Were The States

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"If these sheets were the states and you were miles away, I'd fold them end over end to bring you closer to me."

---All Time Low, If These Sheets Were The States

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December 19th (present time)
Daniel Jacob Doyle

I FINISH WRITING and drop the pen from my pained hand. Now I feel sorry for the people who lived on the past centuries with no internet and had to write letters, this communication mechanism is painful.

"That's your letter to Santa?" asks the little kid with bright green eyes sitting beside me on the plane, "It's kinda long...." the seven year old, I guess, points out with a cute tiny frown. "You mean Santa by Pimples? I found there are different 'versions' of him, like in some countries of latin america he's called Papa Noel like Argentina and Mexico, or in Colombia and Ecuador I think, they believe it is God in his child form who brings the gifts, Um..yeah! He's called Ni...Niño Dios, with that 'n' with the hat on top I don't know how to pronounce, you get me? How can a little boy get you gifts, anyway? Oh and there are other countries that also believe in kid giftbringers, like Italy and France, they believe in Gesu Bambino and Le Petit Jesús that means baby Jesus, and others where they believe in the Three Kings and others that believe in all the ones I've mentioned altogether! Isn't that cool? At school Miss Rose showed us some of the different christmas believings around the world because christmas was coming and all! And I was like 'O-M-G the world is sooooooo big and full of santas', so I wrote letters to each one of them, well some of them, my hand got tired. I hope they understand english so I can get lots of presents because I've been a good girl. Are you doing the same? Is Pimples Santa in China? Miss Rose forgot to mention China, though."

"Woah, kiddo, slow down" I told her playfully after hearing her speech in which she said sentences in four languages and way too fast for my standard reception processing system, if that's a thing. She's a really wise girl.

"Sorry, I'm just bored, and nervous and this is my first time flying so I'm nervous, and granny just fell asleep and I'm bored and I tend to rant when I'm bored," she finished and I couldn't help but chuckle at how cute she was and that she repeated her statements on her sentence, "Wanna be my friend? I'm Kylie" Kylie tells me with a grin. She involves way too much information in her comments I find myself really struggling to keep up with her. The name coincidence with Kylie Jenner who appears on Keeping Up With The Kardashians and I just said it is hard to keep up with Kylie and wow, hilarious...right? No? Okay.

"I'm Daniel, friend" I say empathizing in the last word so he knows I agree to our friendship, "and I tell you, Kylie, the same thing happens with the tooth fairy, I only know the latin version is Raton Pérez, though," I say remembering that time I watched The Rise of the Guardians with Lissa and Abby and at some point a mouse appeared taking the child's tooth and the tooth fairy comented something of a Latin version of her so Lissa had to explain who the mouse was to Abby and without knowing to me too.

"Oh yeah! Raton means Mouse right? My friend Abby in that same class said something like that," Coincidence? I don't think so. It looks like Abby and Kylie go to the same school and Abby makes smart comments in class too, just like her sister. Yeah, that must be it. Talking about Lissa, I can't wait to see her. " I like your costume," Kylie informs me and I chuckle one more time. "You are supposed to use it on halloween, silly."

"It's not a costume sweetie, it's my uniform," I say.

"So you are a soldier? For real? as in with the guns, green clothes and soldier stuff?"

"I guess so," I shrug.

"I've got a soldier friend, how cool is that? Wow," she sighs in a satisfied way or something like that before letting out a yawn, "tell me a story?" the little jet black haired girl asks.

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