chapter 1: hide

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Soothing beats of the water patters into the over sized tub.

A glorious blonde, hums as she cleans her goddess like body into the cleansing water.

Pure White feathered wings hang damply as they press agenst her bare back skin.

   "🎶Hide....hide while the suns down, hide hide, while the moons out🎶"

  She steps out of the slippery tub as she then extends her feathered wings out as if ready to take off.

She flaps them as water droplets spray the walls.

"Night falls and the demons come out, oh the killer red demons come out"

She grabs a white over fluffed towel and dries herself off, her voice ringing in the room as if casting a spell.

"Don't let them see you, lock your doors, they awake at night ready to hunt and kill"

Flipping her long golden hair over only to wrap up the golden locks into the towel to obsorb the cold water droplets that remain on her.

  She quickly grabs her almost revealing snowy white night gown and slides it on.

  "Hush, quiet now, if they hear your angelic voice, your gone, gone like the others, they aren't friends, oh no, oh oh, they are demons"

  The blonde swayed her curved hips side to side as she sung the religious angel song.

"This cold place is evil nothing is good, hide angels hide while the suns down, hide hide, while the moons out"


A horrific scream echoed outside in the village causing the blonde angel to abruptly stop her singing.

The blonde only shook her head with disappointment. "Fool...."

The blonde could only mutter out as she peaked through her bathroom curtin to see a demon feasting on a now dead angel.

She huffed and glared at the demon eating the girl.

'When....will this blood shed of night come to an end, haven't these demons done enough' she thought as she carfully let go of the curtin letting it
gently flutter back in place.

If only she new that an unusual pink haired demon had spotted her from afar catching her looking out the window.

The pink haired demon watched her intensely. His eyes examining her every moment he watched as her eyes flickered to the lifeless angel getting

eaten by a demon. As he began to step out of the shadows she let go of the curtin.

"Shouldn't have peaked out the window....blondie"

He whispered deviously as he started towards the beautiful blondes small home.

The blonde jumped into her unnecessary sized bed.

She gently pulled her blankets up to her shoulders and laid her head down on her pillow.

As soon as the blondes head hit the pillow she was out for the night. Her breathing becoming slow, her heart beating at an average rate as she drifts

off into her dream world not having any  idea that she had forgotten to close her window next to her bed.

The demon catching a glimpse of her opened window hurriedly climbed his way up making sure not to make any sounds.

He swiftly climbed in through the window and glanced around the room Allowing his dark eyes to adjust to the darkness.

As soon as he could see his eyes shot tords the large bed. He immediately knew who was sleeping in the bed.

It was the angel he saw.....

As he got closer he felt her beauty shine brightly, her lips slightly parted, her wings folded behind her back, her breathing seemed to be off though...he

could tell That

The golden blonde was having a nightmare.

"N-NO d-dont k-kill....them...."  the blonde lashed out in her sleep. She began to cry in her sleep as she begged for help.

The demon feeling his heart beating, cautiously walked to the side of her bed and gently licked her cheek.

The demon could not resist such beauty in pain. He new that he couldn't hurt her.

His heart swelled up as her soft whimpers escaped her lips.

"Careless girl.....your lucky.....that I don't want to harm you......"

----------------😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 (NALU)--------------

comment and tell me how it was and don't forget to follow for more....thxs and see u soon!!!!

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