5).Deep trouble

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Realization hit me like a slap in the face. Like I haven't already experienced that. My subconscious throws in there. I really need her to shut up. I break out of my inner fighting when Dylan spoke " I'll let that sink in awhile. In the meantime we need to get moving." Dylan turned his attention to Zayn standing behind me. " Zayn pick her up. Were going to the house." Dylan snapped turning around to have Steve follow like a dog following his owner.
       Zayn squatted down to my level. I saw his hand come to my mouth and rip the duck tape off. Pain shot threw me and it felt like my lips came with the tap.

"Sorry" Zayn said with a sympathetic smile.

      Sure you are. I licked my lips careful not touch the sensitive spots on my lips. Zayn eyes followed my movement and stayed there longer then necessary.  Just staring....He finally snapped out of his daze and threw me over his shoulder. Shocking me from his sudden gesture. " A little warning next time!" I said trying to turn my head to see his face.
    A low chuckle vibrated from his chest. Even though I couldn't see his face I could tell he was smiling at my pathetic attempted to be angry. " Sorry Sunshine. I'll try to warn you next time." I rolled my eyes even though he couldn't see me. Wait why am I having a good time and laughing, I was kidnapped for crying out loud. " So, how do you know Dylan?" Zayn asked after a couple minutes of silence between us. " None if your business." I said under my breath not meaning for him to hear me. " What did you say?" Zayn asked in a mocking tone. "Just shut up." I said moving uncomfortably on his shoulder trying to find a more comfortable position that I was in now.
"Feisty one." He said trying to annoy me. I ignored his comeback, focusing on the ground as he walked. My long hair brushed against his back every time he took a step, and I was starting to get dizzy from my head being upside down for to long. A vibrating sound came from Zayn's pocket as he reached inside and revealing an iPhone. " Hello." He said pressing the phone to his ear with his free hand still keeping an iron grip on my thighs. That takes skill. " Yea, we got her. It was worth the trade if you ask me, James was pretty luck to have her." Zayn said into the phone looking over his shoulder at me. " Hey, no worries Will break her before she gets a turn with you." Zayn said into the phone turning his Focus back on the conversation. My body turned paralyzed.

Break her

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