3). A Long Way From Home

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The trucks Engine Roared to life. Making me bang into the side of the trunks bed when it lurched forward. Every time we made a turn or a stop I would roll or hit my body against the hard metal. Finally we stopped, I listened closely trying to hear the convention going on between the 3 men just outside of where I was. I heard other people's voices around us and realization hit me. Were at the gas station.
" HELP! I'M BEING KIDNAPPED!" I screamed at the top of lungs hoping someone else here could me. The talking stopped and the truck abruptly started moving , making my head and the cold metal collide. A few moments later the truck stopped and the latch flew open, the brightness of light blinding me.
" Stop. Screaming!" I heard one of the men yell at me. " I can scream when ever I want to! Your the one who kidnapped me." I yelled back trying to sound brave but there was a hint of fear mixed in. " Sweet heart I thought I could trust you!" The boss said, rubbing his temples " Steve give me the duck tape." One of the men quickly retrieved the duct tape at on the front seat.
" Now I expect you to behave, and if not we're going to have a little fun tonight. "He said with a grin as he ripped a piece of tape off covering my mouth with it." Have a fun rest of the ride." He said and slammed the trunk closed leaving me helpless and alone.

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