CHAPTER 16 (Tobias)

Start from the beginning

Carter looked over his shoulder to gape at me, "You're kidding. You have more?"

"Of course," I laughed, walking over to him, "I couldn't fit all of them in just one room. Wanna see?"

"Ie!" he said in excitement before his face paled and he covered his mouth with his hand, "I-I mean-."

"It's fine," I said, taking his hand and pulling it from his mouth, "I won't get angry at you for speaking in your own language, Carter. You can do what you want here, you should know that by now."

Carter watched me with wide eyes before nodding, "Diolch..."

"Besides," I added, "I really like your language. You wouldn't by any chance be willing to teach me?"

Carter's lips pulled into a smile and he shook his head, "Maybe someday."

He would have gone without his crutches if I hadn't stopped him and forced him to use them, walking across the room to the door on the right wall that lead into my bedroom. It was about as extravagant as my study, with a queen-sized bed and books everywhere. It wasn't exactly the cleanest room, as the books were overflowing from the shelves against the far wall and stacked on the ground, in chairs, and on top of desks.

My bed was made at least, probably Sasha's doing, and the curtains were drawn back to show a beautiful view of the perimeter of the city. It wasn't the largest room, I chose it because it was attached to the study, and the door was almost always locked and blocked by books, so really, there was only one way in or out if you didn't count the window.

Carter leaned his crutches against the wall again so he could limp over to the bookshelf, turning his head with a curious look on his face, "It smells like roses," he observed, and I sniffed at the air.

"Does it? That's probably Sasha, he's the one who tidies up in here."

"Tidies up? It's a mess," Carter teased, holding his arms out to motion at all the books on the ground.

My cheeks heated and I shrugged, smiling softly, "Well, there's no molding food or dirty clothing, so I call that clean."

Carter snorted and started towards me, stopping when he limped a little worse than before, his face twisting up as he leaned most of his weight to the left leg and looked around the room again, "I guess it's nice. A little smaller than what I have."

"Oh I am so sorry," I said, putting a hand over my heart, fully enjoying the smile he gave me for my sarcasm.

"Yea, I may even decide to go back just for the room."

"You don't mean that," I argued in amusement, walking closer to him, "You can't really leave anyway, remember?"

"Oh, and why's that?"

"You're my prisoner," I explained, pulling him closer and putting a hand under his chin while my other trailed down his arm to hold his hand, "What your master says, goes."

It looked like he was trying hard not to laugh in my face at how stupid and cheesy I sounded, and I was thankful that he decided to play along, because that had to be the worst pick-up line I have literally ever used.

"Oh?" he raised his free hand to hold the side of my face, "Then what does my master say?"

"That we're not leaving this room for the rest of the day," I decided before pulling him into a kiss.

He sank into my arms and parted his quivering lips in excitement, his hand curling against my face as I pushed my tongue into his mouth, mostly to hear the little whine I knew he would make when the muscle wrapped around his own tongue, stroking in an unhurried pace. I wanted to enjoy the kiss, and I wanted him to enjoy the kiss, my hands skimming down his sides to the hem of his shirt, which I started to tug up.

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