Chapter 1

411 85 101

August 24th, 2017


Tyranna sat upright in her bed. Sweat dripping from her forehead. She was frankly sick and tired of the dreams by now.

Every week, she had one. Tyranna remembered everything about them. As much as she tried to, she could never forget about them.
She swallowed, her throat was dry. But she was used to the dreams already, used to them, but annoyed by them.

Tyranna looked at her alarm clock. It was 03:18 a.m. They always happened during the early hours of the morning.

She layed back down in her bed, and stared at her ceiling. A million thoughts went through her mind. Thoughts about her dreams, but most of all, thoughts about her future.

Her dreams were just telling her that she should cut back on horror movies, but her future. That was what she was uncertain about.

She was 17 years old, her last year in high school, yet she still had no plans for the future. No idea what she wanted to do. Her friends, and everyone else around her, had it all figured out.

They had already been accepted to colleges, or any type of tertiary institution. But her? She had nothing. All her life, she had just lived to live, and to please those around her.

Tyranna almost felt like she was useless. As if she had no purpose. Everyone had always expected so much from her. Her mother wanted her to be a lawyer, but truthfully, she was a very conservative person. She listened more than she spoke.

She sighed, so much had to be done. SAT'S she had to ace and people to impress. She closed her eyes. She wanted a change so desperately. Something that would give her hope.

But for now, all she needed was a good night's sleep, without any dreams.


"So, I got word from Mr Davidson that he is coming down to see you Wednesday boss." Laura said.

"Excellent. This is great news." Mr Paldrego said, his face lighting up.
-"It is? I am not so sure boss. His father disappointed us already. We can't expect him to be any different."
-"Laura. This guy is one of the best there is. We need him, especially for this upcoming job. He is a perfect candidate."

"If we get caught sir, do you know in how much trouble we will be? Not just prison for 5 years again, this time it could actually be for life." Laura said, eyes wide.

"Laura, I trust your opinion for most things, but when it comes do this, I know what I'm doing. I've been doing this since before you were born. It's time for you to trust my opinion." he said, cockily.

"Well sir. I know that this guy is nothing but trouble. Trust me. All he wants, is to avenge his father's death. And do you remember who was responsible for that?" Laura said, looking at her boss questioningly.

"But he doesn't know who it was. And he will never find out. Is that clear?" he asked. Laura just sighed in response.

She looked around her boss's office. It had always been so mysterious, but she was used to it now. After working for him for 7 years already. Everything in his office was so dark and filled with so much deceit. Of course, that was how she saw it.

But then again, she worked for a very deceitful and vicious organisation. The worst people in the world were in management. Literally. "Laura, is that clear?" he asked again. Laura turned her attention back onto him. "Sir, my entire life depends on this. My daughter's life depends on this. And I am sorry, but my entire life can't hang on a hunch. With all due respect of course." she said, straightforwardly.

"You know what I like most about you? It's your straightforwardness. But when I want your opinion I will ask for it. Right now, I need you to get back to your desk and let him now that we are waiting upon his arrival, alright?" he asked, but it was more of a statement than a question. It's not like she had a choice in any of this.

"But..." Laura pestered. "No buts" he said, and pointed to the door. She sighed out of frustration and left his office, closing the door behind her. She knew that this guy was bad news. Not only for her boss, but for her as well. She walked back to her desk and did as she was told. After all, she was only Mr Paldrego's receptionist.

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