Stunned, Kyran stopped struggling long enough to realize that he was back in the tower in his bed. It was Lask who held him by his shirt. Did he mean to murder him?

"What is wrong with you?" Lask demanded.

"Let me go!" shouted Kyran.

With a grunt, Lask let him go, stepping back a pace. "Then stop screaming, you freak!"

Kyran's felt his eyes go hot as a rage broke free inside him. The magic-spawn in him spotted the tendril holding the man's life force. Kyran readied himself in case he needed to grab hold and drain it out.

Seeing Kyran's eyes go red, the guards eyes went wide. He drew his sword. "Gods of Meriya!" He meant to strike. Kyran could see it coming.

But he mustn't kill. Killing was wrong!

Before the man could make a move, Kyran reached into his mind and immobilized him with a thought—for just a few seconds. Then he scrambled off the bed and into the corner.

"Leave me alone!" shouted Kyran. By then the guard had recovered. He backed away from Kyran.

"Demons take you," the man muttered as he withdrew and put his sword away.

For a long time, Kyran stood shaking in the corner. Finally, he fell to his knees and began to sob.

Take deep breaths. Keep it in control.

Slowly, he calmed down. He climbed back into bed and lay there, fighting sleep for as long as he could before it took him again.

* * * * * * * * *

The next day, Kyran had a different guard, Lars. The guards rotated each day though there were three that seemed to be the main ones: Lars, Raden and Lask. But Lars gave Kyran no trouble and stayed near the door, so Kyran began to relax.

The tutors came and went. All passed relatively smoothly.

When Rian arrived for dinner, which would be soon—it would be five days since his brother had left the tower. Five days of school for Rian.

Kyran read for awhile about the islands of Ashilan, small slivers of land on which they'd built cities and small farms. All covered by domes to keep atmosphere in and the terrible heat of the planet out. The islands weren't separated by water, but something else, some other element.

Just then, the door opened and Lars let in Rian. Immediately, Kyran forgot his problems and hurried over to see him.


"Kyran!" he smiled but looked haggard.

"How are classes?" asked Kyran.

"Fine," said Rian, which was good because it meant that Rian hadn't gotten into deep trouble fighting at school.

"How did your day go?" Rian asked as they walked back towards the table.

My guard wants me dead. My teacher Lord Senen wants me dead. But he didn't say that. "Fine," said Kyran. By age ten, Kyran knew you were supposed to lie about these things. And he didn't want Rian to worry.

Rian smiled wryly. "So we're both fine. Good." Kyran grinned. He loved how Rian understood him. It felt so good to have a friend in this lonely place.

"I've been reading up on the history of Ashilan; it's quite interesting," said Kyran. "It was settled about 600 years ago and is all islands. They cover them with an artificial shield to keep the air in."

Nethermost Realm: Prisoner of ArlunnOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant