A Crosshares One shot

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It's ironic being the leader of a team called CFVY and not be able to drink coffee because of an allergy to caffeine. At least that's what Coco believes. For as long as she's lived she has never been able to drink the stuff. Once when she was younger she had sipped some of her mom's coffee that she left out. Coco ended up with her throat swelling, chest pain and a headache. She had to go to the hospital that day and that's when she discovered her allergy.

Most of her teammates preferred tea over coffee anyways. Then there was Velvet. She had a hate for coffee. The taste, the smell, everything! However, there was one thing she loved more than anything and that was making Coco happy.

She also loved kissing her. Holding her hands and snuggling. Velvet had recently got the idea that there was a way that her coffee loving, yet allergic, girlfriend could taste the stuff. Velvet was all about making sacrifices for the ones she loved even if it meant doing something she hated. Three times a week, sometimes more if Velvet could stand it enough, Velvet would sip some freshly poured coffee and kiss Coco so she could taste the coffee without getting sick from drinking in it.

The first day Velvet had thought of this she was afraid of this plan. Mostly because she was never the one to start a kiss and remember she hates coffee. It had been early in the morning perhaps at around nine. It was on a day off from school and Velvet had snuck out of the doors to make a cup of coffee then she carried it back with her. On her first try she had got spotted by a friend of hers.

"Hm? What are you doing up this early? And is that coffee you're holding? I thought you hated the stuff." It was Blake, a Faunus just like Velvet. The two had been good friend and not just for that reason alone.

"Oh! Hi Blake. I do hate it, but this coffee is for one of my teammates." Velvet awkwardly tried to avoid the question has she rushed back to her dorm. When she got back the boys were out and Coco had woken up. Already had she put on her outfit while Velvet was still in her bunny pajamas. When Coco turned around she saw an out of breath Velvet at the door.

"Hey Velv, what's that in your hand?" She pointed to the somewhat lukewarm cup.

"It's coffee." Velvet quickly replied.

"For who?" Coco tilted her head to the side with a confused expression. By this time Velvet had walked towards her and sipped it down. The bitter taste made her face twist and Coco was more confused then before.

"Hm? Why did you do that?" She asked. Velvet reached her arm behind Coco and sat the cup down then looked into Coco's sunglasses. A faint blush appeared across her face.

"C-coco.." Velvet spoke as she beckoned to Coco. Coco got closer and immediately Velvet began to blush more. Coco took note of her red face.

"Are you feeling alright Bunbun?" She asked as she peered through her glasses. Looking at Velvet with her concerned brown eyes.

"Kiss me." Velvet blurted out. Coco smirked and leaned in towards a kiss. When she tasted her lips she tasted not the usual taste, but coffee. Coco pulled away in shock.

"Damn." She simply uttered. She looked back at the coffee cup and then at Velvet.

"You endured the taste for me?" Coco asked. Velvet smiled in return.

"I'll continue doing this for you because I love you." Velvet reached up and kissed Coco some more. Coco lips transformed into a smile  she really did have a great girlfriend. To this day they're still doing it. Once the boys are gone Velvet and Coco have their own coffee make out session.

*The End*

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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