Chapter 1- A Crazy Reunion

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Hello everyone :) So I had this idea in my mind about writing a story of me and my two closest friends :) It's just an idea so I would really appreciated it if you told me if it's worth continuing or not :)

Luv u guys heaps,



Chapter 1. We hadn't seen each other for about three month now, and it was torturous for me trying to hide my excitment. Holly, Izzie and I all used to live in India together but after one short year, Holly moved back to England and I moved back home to Paris. Izzie still being in India was english and was visiting family in London, and i travelled up there too, so now we were all going to be reunited once more. 

My family and I were in the train on our way tk england and it felt like the trip would last forever.

"Leonie, can you pass me some chocolate- oh my gosh, you're not listening to them again, are you?" my sister, Alexandra, rolled her brown eyes seeing One Direction play on my ipod touch.

"Go away" i grumbled, facing away from her and digging my head phones deeper in my ears. "And no, you can get it yourself." I honestly had no idea why people got so aggravated when they saw me listening to them. Ok, i get it, they're the only band i listen to, but so what? Since when is being obsessed with something bad? This is partly why I was so happy seeing my two closest friends again. They, unkike others, understood my obsession as they were infected by it too. I laughed at myself. Infected. Good choice of words, Leonie, I thought. 

Suddenly the train came to a halt. 

"Well its about time," i said under my breath. I walked off the train trying to manage all the baggage in my hands. It smelled strong of trains on the platform; like a mixture of patrol, wind and dust. I shuffled through the crows of people towards the meeting place Holly, Izzie and I arranged. My mum kissed my cheek.

"we have to go now, and your friends should be here in five minutes. Je t'aime." 

both my sisters stood, looking annoyed.

"can we go now?" Laurene and Alexandra exclaimed in unison. they were seeing friends too. And so i saw my family leaving while i sat on a grafitti smothered bench. 

"2:03." i grumbled looked at my watch. As usual, they were late. Typical, i said smirking to myself. 

Then i was suddenly strangled my two pairs of arms behind me. "LEEEEEEOOOOOO!" Yup, must be them!

We did the usual adolescent girl greeting which included a large amount of screaming, jumping and hugging. Izzie was wearing a purple hoodie jeans and some converse, with her straight dark red hair lossely let out. Holly on the other hand had her light blonde hair pulled up in a pony tail and was wearing a black tights underneath a jean skirt with a white cardigan on top. We all grinned at each other before a chubby and hairless security guard a few paces away glared ut us with an unfriendly expression. He then walked up to us taking heavy steps.

"would you please turn the volume down, you are disturbing the public." his voice was deep voice with a thick british accent. We nodded and gulped. He eyed us one more time and walked away.

"What a sour sud!" I exclaimed.

"I know! What crawled into his pants and died?" 

we all burst out laughing from Holly's comment. 

"i'm suprised, this is an all time record- three minutes late you guys, thats nothing!"

Izzie laugued. "i know, i literally had to drag Holly out of the house-"

Up All Night with Curly Carrots (ON HOLD... will be continued when bothered to)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang