Chapter Thirteen - Falling

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"Well, anyway, I guess first on the agenda is shopping, then. After that, we gotta go see the Hokage." I said, tugging slightly at my t-shirt and jeans. Funny, last time we came here, it changed my clothes too. And, coincidentally, this is the exact same place.

Jack followed me as I gestured, grumbling to himself, which made me smirk.

After an hour and a half of shopping, we both had new outfits. Jack had a black, long-sleeved shirt with arm-plates and metal plates on his shoulders. He had a thick red belt around his waist, and skinny black pants, with red vans. I smirked; Jack had good taste. Unlike with most guys, he could choose his own clothes and actually look good.

He let out a low whistle when he saw me. I had a cropped red hoodie that cut off at my hips with elbow length sleeves, worn open over a black, form fitting vest top, black biker gloves, and a red skirt that went down to mid thigh, with spandex shorts underneath. My calves were also bandaged, and I had standard ninja sandals on. I had made a few adjustments to the vest top and shorts, giving them torn bottoms, and a few slashes through them to make them a little more punkish.

"Funny how we both chose the same colours, eh? Great minds think alike." Jack winked at me, and I grinned. Then I grabbed his hand, pulling him along. "Where're we going now?"

"Haircuts. Your hair's a mess, and so is mine." Jack's eyes widened, and he immediately started pulling against my grip, as though I was taking him to Death Row or something.

"Nooo!! I hate getting my hair cut!!" I just rolled my eyes, sending chakra to my hands to keep my grip secure.

"You are going to get a haircut, whether you like it or not, fool." I said, and he growled, sitting down, and forcing me to stop. I glared at him, "Fine, have it your way."

I dragged him along, and because of that, it was hours before we had finished remaking ourselves. I had gotten my hair cut to suit the new colours. It was short at the back, and long at the front, in a layered bob. I had also gotten a long fringe cut in.

Jack had gotten his hair cut short, though it was still long enough that it fell in his eyes, and flicked up in places.

"See, that wasn't so bad." I said, and he just humphed. I sighed, and then started pulling him along again. "C'mon, we gotta go see the Hokage and find out where Zoey, Naruto and Sasuke are at."

Jack grumbled the whole way there, but soon stopped the moment we flew in through the Hokage's window.

"Charlie! Do you want them to kill us or something?!" he hissed, and I rolled my eyes.

"Ah, Charlie, you have finally returned. And you brought a friend." I nodded to the Hokage.

"Hai, this is my... brother, Jack. Our parents just died, so I went to go get him. Sorry I didn't inform you; I was distraught." the lies flowed naturally, and I elbowed Jack to get him to stop staring at me so shocked.

"I see... that's quite all right. He'll be staying with you, I presume?" I nodded, and the Homage smiled.

"Um, where's Zoey? I didn't see her at home." the Hokage's expression darkened considerably, and he gazed at me, sadness in his eyes.

"I'm afraid that Zoey went missing a while ago, around the time that you did... I'm sorry." I just stared at him, and he continued. "We think that it may have been a man named Orochimaru-"

"I know who he is." I glared at the floor, then blinked. "Gomen for interrupting. But, uh, where are Naruto and Sasuke? I haven't seen them in a while."

Well, technically I saw them yesterday, but he didn't need to know that.

"They are currently with Kakashi and Sakura at the training grounds. However, now that there are three of you spare Genin, I would like you to create a new squad, instead of rejoining your old one. Is that okay?" I nodded woodenly; I didn't particularly want to leave team 7, but you can't just say no to a request from the Hokage. "Good. Report back here tomorrow morning. But first, rest up. You must be tired from your travels."

I just nodded again, then pulled Jack out of the room, but not with the same enthusiasm as before.

"Zoey's been taken by Orochimaru?!" Jack whisper-yelled, and I nodded blankly. I couldn't believe this. First Tommy vanishes, and now Zoey's gone too...

"I need to be alone." I mumbled, dropping the keys to the flat on the floor in front of Jack. Whether he found his way there or not... I didn't particularly care at that moment. Call me selfish, but two of my closest friends, including the one that had been my rock in the Naruto world for so long, were missing. I didn't even know if they were alive. So you can't really blame me for wanting a time out.

"H-hey! Wait, where's the flat?!" I just ignored Jack's shout and jumped out of the nearest window, taking off at a fast pace before the desperation overcame me.


I had been sat drowning in sorrow for about an hour now. I hated this world! All it did was build me up happily so that it could watch me fall when it knocked out my supports. And I was falling now, deep into the depths of the oblivion that is depression.

I just wanted to go home! This isn't my world, I don't belong here! I just want Tommy and Zoey back so we can all go home!

My phone suddenly buzzed, and I pulled it out, seeing that I had a text from Jack, asking where I was. I just closed it, then caught sight of the date. It was the tenth of September; ten days until Zoey's birthday. She'll be sixteen. My birthday was before that, the thirteenth. I was born specifically on Friday the thirteenth, and always loved it, but now I don't see what I thought was so great. I was an Autumn child, just as Zoey was, and look what's happened to her. We had such great stuff planned for our sixteenths... but now none of it will happen.

I could feel a tear roll down my cheek, but made no move to stop it. Why did everything seem to go so wrong here?

I jumped as a pair of arms suddenly wrapped around me, pulling me into a familiar-smelling chest. My open eyes saw orange, and I felt immediately comforted. Naruto.

I vaguely felt him clumsily running his hands through my hair, and closed my eyes, hiding my face in his jacket.

"It's okay, Charlie, dattebayo.." he said softly, and I squeezed my eyes tight shut, trying to stop the tears. I couldn't show how pathetic and weak I was, not in front of Naruto. I was warm, and comfortable, and with a dear friend... and it made me realise. Even if Zoey and Tommy weren't there, I still had my other friends. And that was enough.


End of chappy 13 :3

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