The Pain

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It had been a week of school and Adrien hadn't seen Marinette since that day. Hanging around his friends didn't help the pain at all. Hiding it wasn't that simple either, having that hope of turning around in class to see that bright and cheerful face of hers, to then disappear in front of him. All his friends asking if he is all right, to just respond with 'I'm fine', when deep inside, he is falling apart.

But not as much as Marinette was, she really fell apart. She couldn't believe what he did. So, when she got home she ran into her bedroom and burst into tears. She didn't eat, drink, change clothes and she barley even slept. Every now and then she would cheek her phone for the hundreds of voice messages from her friends. This happened for a week, she cried and cried till there were no more tears left, she would scream until her throat would be sore.

With both their parents worried sick about them, there was nothing they could do to help. Although Adrien seemed to be hiding the pain pretty well, Marinette just hid from the world in darkness

One afternoon, Marinette felt something in her pocket, his ring. She pulled it out and found herself producing more tears. Even though it would burn and sting her eyes and face, it was worth it. She threw it across her bedroom and it hit the wall and landed in a pile of photos of them together. 

Every day, Adrien would walk past her house on the way to school and a tear of regret would spill down his face. He couldn't help thinking that this was all his fault, he realized that it always has been his fault. He had to.......move on. Just thinking about her made him clutch his chest in pain. Walking around the other couples made it even worse. He couldn't bare it any more. He had to do something, now.

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