Chapter 2: Baby Talk

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          Waking up the next morning, Shelby reaches over for Braden but touching sheets instead. She sits up and looks around, her hair messy, the same shirt on from last night.

          "Keanu," she whistles for the K-9 companion beside her. No movement. The house quiet. Groaning, she gets up and twists her hair up into a messy bun before heading downstairs. When she gets to the last step, the front door opens, and Braden walks through in shorts and a cut off shirt, taking out his headphones—both man and dog getting back from their morning run.

           "Hey, good morning," Braden smiles, walking over and kissing Shelby softly.

          "Morning," Shelby grins.


          "Every wife loves waking up to an empty bed," Shelby pouts.

          "I'm sorry, squirrel over there got distracted a couple of times," Braden nods over to a passed out Keanu.

           "I'm sure he did," she pats his chest and walking to the kitchen, turning on the coffee pot.

          "What time do you have to be at work? Three?"

           "Yep. I have class from eleven to twelve-thirty then work from three until Phil lets me leave."

            "Yeah, I'm gonna have to talk to him about that."

             "Why? I've been there the longest. I guess he knows I'll do it right."

           "Yeah, but now you have a husband at home and a fur child," he winks.

          "A lot of girls have husbands and real babies," Shelby laughs, grabbing two mugs.

          "I mean we can start having real babies. You know, with skin, not fur."

          "Mhm, pregnant Hooter's girl? Sexy," Shelby smiles, pouring coffee in both mugs and handing Braden one.

          "Babe you'd make a trash bag look sexy."

           "Mhm," playfully smacking his arm. Shelby drinks her coffee, standing against him and not caring about him being sweaty.

           "But then again, who has a wife in college?" Braden smiles, kissing the top of her head.

           "You," she leans up and meets his lips. "Because you're the luckiest firefighter around," Shelby grins.

          "I have to shower, and you have to get ready for class."

          Shelby groans and takes her coffee upstairs, setting it on the dresser before looking through her closet. Braden gets in the shower. She spends almost ten minutes deciding what to wear to class, her uniform already packed. He comes out of the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist. Braden whistles.

          "Shut it," Shelby grins, grabbing a pair of ripped jeans and pulling them on.

          "What? I have the hottest wife in the world."

          "Shut up," Shelby laughs, pulling on a tank top, her breasts almost falling out.

           "You're wearing something over that, right?" Braden smiles.

          "Yes I am," she laughs and grabs a hoodie since it's still chilly out, pulling it on. The hoodie has her maiden name across the bottom of the hoodie since it was from before they were married.

          "Um you're an Evans now ma'am, not an Earnhardt," Braden winks.

          "It's still SE," Shelby smiles, grabbing her wallet and phone.

           "Love you," Braden smiles, kissing her softly. "Go learn something," winking at his wife.

           "Love you too," Shelby says, heading out. 

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