Chapter 17

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 Two days passed before Joshen would allow Senna to leave her cabin. Her injured arm strapped to her side, Senna leaned over the ship's weathered side and strained to see through the vapor. She couldn't make out Wardof's ship, but she knew it was there. And coming closer. Parknel leaned in next to her and the two listened for the sounds of waves breaking against the other vessel's hull. But she heard nothing.

"Cannons are loaded."

Senna looked at him askance before turning back to her vigil. "I'm sorry for the danger I've placed you in."

"Bah." Parknel spit tobacco juice in the water. "Sea's been listin' for years 'cause a Espen's interference. 'Bout time she got her comeuppance. I'm just glad to help deliver it." He placed a reassuring hand on her good arm and moved on.

She shook her head, amazed the Captain thought of her in any way equal to Espen's comeuppance. "Captain," she called. He turned. "All the same, thank you." He couldn't understand how much his acceptance meant to her.

He nodded again and trotted down the stairs to the main deck. Senna turned back to her vigil, not daring to move as the minutes coalesced into hours. She thought she heard something beyond the sounds of their own ship. Singing soft and low, she teased the wind into thinning the fog. Her blood turned cold in her veins. The faint outline of a ship. Even as her voice cut off, the fog swallowed it. She turned and ran, remembering Wardof's handsome, hate-filled eyes. He was perfectly capable of killing her.

Her arm throbbing in time to her heartbeat, she gripped Joshen's arm, but her mouth couldn't form the words.

He took one look at her face and then peered into the fog behind them. "Are they coming?"

She managed an emphatic nod.

His eyes darkened dangerously. "We almost made it."

In a fierce whisper, Parknel ordered the men to their battle stations.

Joshen hefted his weapon and looked down at her. "Get below decks."

"Joshen, I won't hide while you fight."

He gently grasped her shoulder. "Unless you can sing kelp to sink their ship, your songs aren't going to help us much. We need you to grow your plants for the wounded."

"Wounded ..." Senna's face paled. Heavy tears started to roll down her face. "They can't do this! Not for me!"

Joshen cast a look around before pushing her into the cabin. He slammed the door behind him before rounding on her. "This is about more than just you, Senna! This is about the right to protect their way of life. You happen to be the answer these men have been waiting for and I'll not have you shouting how unworthy you are!"

Bruke jumped easily onto the bed, obviously convinced Joshen wasn't a threat.

Senna wasn't so sure. "Joshen, they could be hurt. You could be hurt." Her voice was barely above a whisper. "In all the world, you're the only friend I have." She lifted her face to his. "I can't lose you."

Careful of her arm, he wrapped her in a warm embrace, the first one she'd had since her mother left. She cried harder, wetting his shoulder with her tears. Joshen didn't move. Didn't ask her not to. "I won't promise you I won't be hurt—that's a promise no one can keep. But I can promise I'll be careful."

Senna wiped her cheeks with her hand. "Promise?"

"Promise," he replied. A stealthy grin spread across his face. "Besides, there's always Parknel and Bruke."

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