It Hurts

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*1 Week Later*

Piper POV

Today Jasper and I are finally going home, I miss my bed and my freedom but I'm gonna miss the food here and the nice doctors and nurses

"Who miss me?" Henry barged in with the rest of the crew behind him

"No one!" Everyone shout

Ray told us what really happened about the car accident and at this point I'm gonna kill Veronika  

"I felt like I was in this hospital forever" Jasper said

"Probably because the author of this book haven't updated in a very long time" Ray pointed out

"Hey she's trying her best, she had school and many after school activities to maintain plus other books she has to publish and update" Charlotte defended

"Thank you Char😊"

"Algright they quicker we leave the better" I rushed everyone out the room

"Home sweet home" Jasper cheered as Chloe helped him to the couch

"Even though your not in your actual home" Henry stated "But you guys are always here"

"Hey where's the candy?"I questioned looking in the kitchen 

"I hid it from you guys because you're always eating it" Charlotte went to get the candy upstairs

"So what's the plan kid now that Charlotte is closer to her due date?" Ray asked

"I'm not completely sure but we have to keep an eye out cause Char is at high risk of danger now" Henry said but froze once Char came downstairs

"What do you mean I'm in danger?" Charlotte walked back in the living room, crap

"Don't worry I got this" Ray whisperd to us then walking to Char wrapping his arm over her shoulder "Nothing is wrong sweetheart"

Charlotte just glared at him, only if looks could kill

"Veronika is seeking revenge and is out for this family and for Henry and Baby Danger" Ray rambled

"Ray!" Henry yelled

"Your wife is scary" He sat on the couch next to me

"So your telling me that Veronika is out of prison and she wants Henry and My Baby?"

"Well your kinda right" My voice going high like Chloe's "She even went as far as to take us out because we're to close to you"

"Trust me Char its not that big of a deal" Henry tried to calm her down but it didn't help

"Seriously? Jasper and Piper were in a car accident!" She pointed out

"I was also apart of the accident" Ray butt it

"Nobody asked you" Char glared at Ray then walked back and forth "I thought I was going crazy thinking that I was being stalked for the past 4 months and you guys knew that but still refuse to tell me or even warn me"

"In our defense we were gonna tell you when Maya turned at least 18" Chloe looked everywhere but Char

"You guys are suppose to be my family and family don't keep secrets away from each other"

"We was only trying to protect you and keep you away from stress and drama" Henry tried to calm her down

"Well what did you guys expect from this shock, I can't beli-" Char stopped wide eyed

"Char whats wrong?" I asked

"My water just broke" Everyone stood frozen even Charlotte

2 weeks early, Holy flying dogs were not ready

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