Family sticks Together

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Henry POV

"Hey kid your phone is ringing again" Ray handed me my phone walking back in junk n stuff

"Why is Jasper and Chloe calling me?" I looked at the recent missed calls "And why do keep on calling me kid"

"You are a kid compared to me and you act like a kid"

"No I don't, I am and act like a Man"

"You don't act like a man who's about to have a child" Piper commented as I watch char laugh and shake her head

"Don't  you have somewhere else to be annoying?" I ask

"Not until 4" Piper said in her best Patrick voice while my phone ring again

"Jasper why are you and Chloe blowing up my phone?" I answered my phone

"Um, there is something important Chloe have to tell just you and it involes Charlotte and Baby danger" My heart almost skip a beat as I watch Charlotte talking with piper

"Come over right now" I demanded

What does Chloe have to say about Char and Maya, I kept pacing back and fourth trying to calm myself down

"Hey guys" Chloe and Jasper walked in junk n stuff and they had on fake smiles, what the heck is wrong with them

"What is so important you have to tell me?" I pulled Chloe to the side

"I will get to it but Ray we need you in the man cave"

"Good I finally feel wanted around this place" Ray cheered

Ray, Chloe and I went into the man cave but didn't stop as we walked into the back storage room

"Uh why are we back here?" I ask

"Just to be sure no one is watching us" I watch Chloe look around "Ok remember that crazy girl that is obsessed with you"

"How can I forget" I said getting nervous

Chloe POV

After I told the guys what happened last night they looked shocked

"Holy crap" Henry breathed heavily

"That crazy stalker girl knows who we are?!!" Ray yelled

"I don't know how she knows" I put my arms up in defense

"Your the close friend she was visiting" Henry mumbled

"What are you talking about?"

"Piper and I was at swellveiw park 2 night ago and veronica was there and she said she was gonna pay a visit to one of our closet friends and it was you"

"Yeah and she wants all of us away from the Hart family so she can get what she wants"

"Lets just give her what she wants, what does she wants?" Ray ask

"She wants Henry and Baby danger"

"Can we just give her Henry only?" Ray said

"No we can't" Henry defend himself

"Did she try to negotiate with you?" Henry ask

"Yeah she offered me 1 million dollars to stay away but I told her I don't want it"

"Really? If I were you I would've taken the money" Ray mumbeld

"Shut up Ray" Henry looked frustrated "Charlotte still can not find out about this"

"Understood, but what am I going to do? Veronika wants me to make a decision in less than 9 hours and she knows our every move"

"Well who do you choose?" Ray ask


"Obviously it looked like you choose between family or nothing" Henry stand next to Ray "And you love us to much to get rid of us"

"I know, and I could never leave cause if I'm getting tortured, you fools our getting tortured with me" Henry pulled me into a hug

"Family sticks together and I like hugs to" Ray joined in

Charlotte POV

"Aww thanks Jasper, Maya will love this" I admired the custom made blankets and cute little onesies that had 'Maya Hart' on it

"Your welcome, I will do anything for my niece"

"That's My niece too" Ray said along with Chloe and Henry walking back in junk n stuff

"Oh please she's going to love her aunty pips more" Piper bragged

"Don't try to make yourself feel special pips" Ray laugh and piper punched his arm

"Don't call me pips" Piper said and Ray rubbed his shoulder

"Looks like Maya is gonna have some strange uncles and aunties" I rest my hand on my stomach

"And your just realizing that" I heard Ray, Piper and Jasper

"Little gummy bear has strange parents to" Ray scoff

"That reminds me I think there's a bag of gummy bears down in the man cave" Jasper said as Him, Ray, Henry and Piper all rushed down in the man cave

"Those weirdos " Chloe laugh

"But we love them and speaking of weirdos you've been acting strange all day"

"Well I am the wife of Jasper, what can I say" She shrugged

"You do have a point, are you down for girls night tonight?"

"Always, and hey can we stop to get pickles I'm hungry"

"I thought you hated those?"

"We have a love hate relationship" Chloe said walking out of junk n stuff and to my car

"Charlotte you know I would always be there for you and I don't care who gets in our way we are the bosses up in this peace, and I love you"

"Aww and I love you too clumsy" I smiled and for some reason I felt like I was being watched again but I shook it off

Chloe gave me a hug and I hugged back and Maya started kicking

"Looks like Maya already loves her Aunty"

"Who wouldn't love me, I can't wait to meet you little candy" Chloe touch my stomach and Maya kicked again, she really loves to kick and I can't wait for her to be born so she can stop kicking my insides

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