A video for baby danger

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8 Months later

Charlotte POV

I am 8 months pregnant today and I'm so excited that we are getting closer to meeting little baby danger, henry and I are waiting a couple more days to know the gender of the baby but I think its a boy because there is a lot of kicking

I'm walking down down in the man cave from the back area cause my belly is to big for the tubes and I'm not even gonna to a chance on that elevator, as I'm walking down I could hear yelling and arguing getting louder as I arrived in the man cave, henry, ray and piper are arguing

"Hey, Hey!" I yelled and they stopped and they look at me "What's going on?"

"I want gummy bears!!" They all yelled


"Someone ate the last pack of gummy bears and didn't share and those two don't want to own up" piper said

"It wasn't me, ray is the one who sleeps here at night he probably stuff his face with them while he's wearing duckie boxers" henry said

"I didn't eat them either plus I didn't wear my duckie boxers I wore pandas" ray said and piper groaned

"Uh guys I ate the last pack of gummy bears last night" I said

"What?!?!" They yelled

"Don't worry I brought another pack for you guys" I said tossing the pack on the table

"Only one?!"


"So what did you guys do last night?"

"Well we defeated the time jerker and Dr.minyak" henry said

"Yeah it was epic, and it was a good idea for captain man to come" piper said

Ray is not fully in retirement, he only helps when really needed like last night

"But besides that any news about baby danger?" Ray ask

"No, but I'm going to the doctor in a couple days to find out the gender of the baby"

"I think its gonna be a boy" ray said

"I think its gonna be a girl" Piper said

"Well a boy or a girl as long as he/she is healthy and happy" henry said resting his hand on my stomach then baby danger kicked "aww who's happy to see there dad"

Baby danger kicked again but this time triple times hard


"Baby danger is not happy to see you" ray said

"Hey Charlotte have you have to take a video for baby danger of what life like before him or her and to get to the family reaction towards baby danger" piper said

"You know what that sounds like a good idea" I said

"Cool I'm gonna start now, OK everyone get ready....and recording"

"Hey there baby danger" we all said

"By the time your watching this you won't be a baby anymore" henry said

"But you will always be my baby no matter how old you are" I said

"You should already know who this beautiful lady is and that one next to her, but ray and I call them chenry, I will let you know why when your older" piper said then ray took the camera out of her hand, he looked in the camera wide eyed

"By the time your watching this aliens would take me to there planet and meet their leader"

"Really ray" piper and I said as henry just laugh

"Anyway I'm ray, I'm the fun uncle if you need anything you can call me, if you need some candy just call me, if you need me to sit on your dad head call me, or if you need to sneak out the house call me" ray whispered that last part but henry and I heard him

"RAY!!!" We yelled then piper took the camera

"Its your aunty piper here but you don't have to call me aunty, call me pip or pips" piper said and she turns her attention to us "only baby danger can call me that, got it"

"Got it" we all said

"But any who I will always be there to give life lessons and couch you through them and we can take awesome selfies together like the duck lip" she said doing the duck lip and ray joining with her but henry took the camera from her

"Ok that's enough of you two, no matter what comes your way we can get through it together, and I love you" henry said and I cleared my throat "I mean we love" wrapping his arm around my waist and kissing me

"Don't record you two kissing its gonna scare baby danger for life" ray and piper yelled but we didn't stop but ray took the camera from henry

"Sorry you had to see that baby danger, but this is the crazy and amazing family your apart of, and by the end of this video I will become a billionaire"

"Ugh they won't stop kissing" piper said turning the camera off "my poor eyes"

"Well that's what happens when your apart of this family" henry said

"Let's watch a movie, I'm bored" piper said

We all sat at the table watching ghost busters and enjoying each other company

I have finally upload the sequel, there are gonna be lots of surprises and a surprise character that causes trouble that is not bianca, hope you enjoyed, bye

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