Baby Danger is a.......

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Henry POV

I read the note and it says

Congratulations on the baby hope you enjoy being a dad henry but don't get to comfortable because I'm coming for you and our baby


"This person, well girl, is crazy" Ray said

"Yeah but this stays between us three and not a word to charlotte" I said as we walk back

"What happened and who is out there?" my mom ask

"Uh just a couple of teens joking around but I think its best if everyone went home so that nothing dangerous happen" I said

"Your right"

Charlotte POV

Everyone left but chloe and jasper is still here and ray and piper are sleeping here tonight

"Hey we haven't open the piñata yet" piper said

"Wow how could we forget about that?" Henry said

"Baby Danger is a Girl!!!" Chloe shouted out then sighs "Keeping that secret was killing me all day"

"Yay I'm gonna have a niece, I'm going to teach her how to take proper selfies"

"And I'm going to teach her about buckets"

"Oh God" Henry groaned

"So what are you going to name her?" chloe ask

I thought about it for a while

"Maya Candy Hart"

"Aw I love it" Piper said "Pips and Candy taking over swellview"

"I love it to" Henry said kissing me and giving me a hug

After Chloe and Jasper went home I went upstairs to tell my parents the news about Maya Candy Hart

I walked downstairs to find ray sitting on the counter with a cinnamon bottle in his hand

"Ray what are you doing?" I ask

"I'm about to do the cinnamon challenge" Ray said shaking the bottle

"Record this" Henry said trying not to laugh

"This is stupid" I said but take my phone out anyways

"You ready?" henry ask as ray filled the spoon

"Yeah, lets do this, someone count to three"

"One" piper start

"Two" henry said

"Three" I said and ray took a spoonful and swallowed it

"Done" Ray said with a smirk and we all looked shocked and confused

"Why you didn't choke?" Piper ask

Ray started to laugh "You guys think I would really use cinnamon?, its sugar"

"Your a idiot" Henry said throwing the water at ray

I laugh as I continued to record them two splash water at each other

'This is my family...' I said to myself 'My crazy dysfunctional family that no one can't take away'
So Baby Danger is a Girl!!!
Thanks @cheetahgirl2005 for the name Maya and DjenebaLovemuzic for Candy, I really love both names

I'll update soon, Bye😘

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