Crying on the inside

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Veronica POV

I stood behind a bush as watch Chloe make her decision, guess we're doing this the hard way, I went to Van dels house for a new plan

"Veronika what are you doing here?"

"Trying to think of a new plan" I kicked my feet up on the newly stolen couch "I wanted Chloe, Jasper, and the others away from the hart family so I can take their baby and the love of my life"

"And how on earth are you gonna do that now if I want Man danger eliminated" Van del laugh

"You are not touching my Husband but I don't care what you do to the others"

"But besides your crazy fantasies I want Captain Man, Man Danger and Girl Danger gone"

"Don't worry I got a plan for that, Do you still have your indestructible truck?" I watch a evil smile grow on Van dels face

"Of course I do"


"Baby shopping for my niece Maya" Piper sang walking to my car

"My niece" I said as Jasper hopped in the drivers seat and Piper sat in the passenger seat "And why I gotta sit in the back"

"OK 1 Maya is our niece and 2 you drive like a maniac and I don't want to die anytime soon so just get in" Jasper started the car

"This is not fair" I got in back seat crossing my arms like a child

"So what are we doing for Charlotte baby shower?" Jasper asked keeping his eyes on the road

"I don't know but according to the text Char sent me she doesn't want a surprise baby shower and nothing to big" Piper looked at her phone

"I think that's for the best since this walldog girl really wants Henry and Baby Danger"

"We could have the baby shower at Jasper house" I suggest

"As long as everyone is safe since my house is the only safe place around here" Jasper joked

Within a few seconds a speeding Truck came flying towards us and shards of glass flying around and the car flipped around a couple of times then suddenly stopping, I felt weak and dizzy but recovered in seconds and what caught my attention was a rock thrown to the car and a note was attached to it and on it was written 'Captain Man', so I just grabbed the paper and put it in my pocket for later

I looked over to see Jasper, he had bruises and cuts all over him, coughing and groaning trying to get out the car, But my heart almost stop when I saw Piper, she was unconscious with a huge red bruise on her forehead and just like Jasper she had cuts and bruises over her

Bystanders helped got me out of the car and watching 4 other men try to open the car doors and some others were on their phone calling an ambulance, A big man who looked like Mitch helped got Jasper out the car and lied him down on the grass and I rushed to his side

"Call.....911" Jasper coughed out

"There on there way" I heard a siren coming our way as the big dude lied piper next by Jasper

"Piper?" She's unresponsive, this is not good

I watch the ambulance rushed around the corner and the paramedics helping Jasper and Piper in the truck as I got in the ambulance also shaking and praying that Piper and Jasper will recover

Chloe POV

"Looks like everything is ok Char, and Maya seems to be stubborn and will be here in the next 3 weeks" I helped wiped the gel off Char stomach

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