"We're going to look at your stitches and change the dressing." I pulled the covers back and lifted my gown up. Gently she pulled the dressing off then looked up at to make sure I was okay.

"When are they comin' out?" I asked referring to my stitches.

"Only doctor Galloway can determine that, but I can tell you that it's healing really fast. The fastest I've ever seen." She smiled at me. I would've smiled back but i just wasn't in the mood. I'm never in the mood.

"So, who is comin' by to see you today?" She asked.

"I don't know. No one probably."

"You always a visitor. Never knew a patient with a visit log as long as yours." It seems like everyone has come to visit me at least once. The entire church, guys and girls basketball team, coach AJ, classmates, Matt and his mom, my family, and my therapist. I still have my sessions once a week. I definitely need it now.

"Nobody is comin' today."

"I'm sure your mom will be by to see you."

"No. She's workin'." My Mom has to work at the casino tonight, after the last child is picked up. She's always workin' so she doesn't really come by. I didn't expect to her to be glued to my bedside, so I'm not hurt by it.


"I don't know." I answered sadly. It's been a week and a few days since Shawn last visited me. He was coming everyday after school and after practice until visitin' hours ended. I don't know why. I thought maybe his Granny was tired of drivin' back and forth because she was takin' Tyran to work and pickin' him up. She had pick Shawn up, too. I could be wrong, though.

Maybe he didn't want to continue to see me like this. Maybe he just didn't want to see me at all. Maybe he was occupied wit' someone else. Maybe he was busy wit' school and basketball. Maybe he was wit' his Dad and them.

It could be a number of reasons why he stopped comin' to see me. But I wouldn't know for sure because I haven't really even talked to Shawn. I've talked to him maybe two or three times this week. It's always a short conversation. Extremely short. He asks how I'm doin' but it doesn't feel like he really was interested in my well bein'. It feels like it was just a chore. I ask how he's doin' and what's he's been up that day. He never gives a real answer, which is strange because Shawn talks so much damn. Now he just says that he's chillin' and stuff then he has to go do homework or his Granny needs him to do something for her.

"How long have you two been together?"

"Six months."

"First boyfriend, right?" She glanced at me as she was putting my brace back on. I winced at the discomfort I felt.

"Yeah." I said. "How'd you know?"

"I have a girl cousin around your age. She's the same way around her boyfriend as you are around yours. I just figured."

"How long have they been together?" I didn't really care to really know but I didn't want to be rude either.

"I think she told it's been eight months, maybe seven."


"Does she love him?" I genuinely wanted to know if she loved her boyfriend.

Nurse Savannah smiled. "She expresses it every chance she gets."

"Does he love her back?"

"The boy is head over hills."

"That's good." I nodded my head. Nurse Savannah left to go get my breakfast. When she returned wit' the food on a tray, she didn't immediately set it up for me. She walked over to the window. Every mornin' after changin' my dressing, she pulled the curtains open, lettin' the sun illuminate the room. She never once asked if it was okay, but I didn't mind. I liked the way the sun somewhat heated the room.

Runaway Love[Completed]Where stories live. Discover now