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#christmaschallengeday2, december second.
travis «» sam

"holy shit, what happened to the doors?"

"you have to push, idiot."

"i am pushing."

"then push harder."

"jeez, morning mood?"

"oh shut up, let me help you."

travis walked towards the blue eyed boy that curiously looked at him. he couldn't help but notice how cute he was.
jet black hair, piercing eyes and full lips that screamed for his.

"why do you need help with pushing a door?"

"because it's stuck."

"no it's not. you just have to-"

travis pushed against the door, but there was no movement.

"what the heck? why isn't it opening?"



this chapter is a lil longer than the first one, hope you like it!
(yes anzhelika, i really am updating everyday, ly)

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