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#christmaschallengeday15, december 15th
travis «» sam


"then why were you staring at my face?"

"i was not!"

"oh, you were. you hundred point one percent were."


"i win."

"i'm not done with you yet."

"ooooh, gettin' fierce right there. am i supposed to be scared???"

"where did this sassy side of you suddenly come from?"

"out of your ass."

with that, he quickly grabbed a pillow from the couch in the corner and hit travis on the back of his head.

travis himself just sat on the ground, shocked by what had just happened.


he yelled, as he himself also took a pillow from the sofa.

sam was not fast enough in getting away. he tripped while standing up, and within seconds, travis' face hung above his.

"said the words too soon?"

"i'll still win."

"you lost. you already did. just admit it."


"say it. 'i lose.' c'mon, it's not that hard!"

suddenly, travis was thrown off of sam, and with one smooth movement, travis laid under him.

"you lose."

with that, sam pulled travis up by his shirt, and their lips collided.



i just couldn't fucking wait any longer.

i still suck.

for fuck's saKe someone slap me.

ps. sorry for the isak meme but it cracks me up i cant its hilarious

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