Chapter 23

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It's been two days after the meeting with The Lawyers. Time was running out for all of us I just ain't got time to keep dealing with this. We used Raymond's old house to discuss business with everybody I had everybody over in the living room. "Before we start our meeting I first wanna say that I'm proud to have such a great team on my side you guys have worked hard and I can see it in you. "But right now we gotta continue to work hard and once this is over we all finna play hard enjoy what we did. "Now there have been a few issues that have been brought to my attention from good friends of mines and Raymond that someone in our little circle has been playing two sides all along thinking that I won't find out. "This is how we gonna do it you got 10 seconds to stand up like a man and tell what you did or you can make this hard for yourself. I watched as everybody looked around the room I even noticed Raymond getting upset because we got to much to be doing instead we got to really teach niggas how life goes. "Times up Anthony ,Cory Garrett and Lamar I need you all to help Cornelius and Luda up take them to the basement make sure they are tide up tight check there pockets for anything useful and also I want there phone's and keys. "Whoa now I don't think you wanna do that said Cornelius while stepping up to my face I watched as Raymond punched him hard. "You punk ass motherfucker I'm tired of playing games with you!!! He grabbed his shirt and slammed him up against the wall. "Speak now and you tell me everything your bitch ass knows or I will let Diamond put a bullet in you brain!! "Alright Jada came to me once Diamonds mom was killed she wanted me to help her to ruin Diamond I denied it but she made an offer with me I couldn't refuse. So she told me to stay here and make sure things go to plan she wanted to kill Diamond but never successed so she purposely killed her father and brother she knew she could get Diamond that way. "What about the drugs that was suppose to kill me ! Drey gave it to Luda to give to you but once Raymond flushed it down the toilet I knew she was going to give out a bigger reward. "What is the reward!! "If I bring you to her alive I get 50 Million bucks I need that type of money! I'm tired of scrapping by. "Cornelius you will do that you will take me to her ...Diamond she will kill you.. "I got a plan but I need you I need everybody trust me Ray this will work.. "Listen up change of plans were headed down to The Bronx everybody but I need you all to ready to fight we're going to take a private plane there so we can get our guns I need everybody to get this together we still got 3days on our hands! "Boss what about luda over here asked Anthony while holding him I pulled put my gun and hit him clean in his face I watched as his body fell to his knees. "Diamond I'm sorry he told me if I didn't do it he would kill me! "You betrayed me just because I'm a woman don't mean shit I should of let your ass die in that house two years ago you piece of shit. I put my gun to his head and pulled the trigger . "This is what the fuck happens when you think you can play on my damn intelligence Cornelius I suggest you take your ass with Garret before I put a bullet through your damn head too. "Miya, Sean and Cory I need y'all to come with me by the time we get back I need everybody in trucks ready to leave. Me and my group left the house and headed to the black Mercedes-Benz truck I started up the engine and quickly headed to Monty's house.

It took me a good 20minutes to get there niggas was acting up today all in the streets thinkin they thugs but don't know what it means to be one.
I parked the car and we all drew out our guns we walked up to the house he was in I watched Cory bust in the house with his broad shoulder. I walked in to see blood everybody of Monty's men were all over the floor dead it was at least 50 bodies all over the house. "Damn were to late said Miya while running her fingers through her hair and it's another dead end let's just go back to the house and leave. When we turned around we heard gunshots I looked outside and seen Dragon shoot somebody he also have at least 10 men with him. "Yall come on let's go the back way I said just above a whisper but then I heard a kid scream. "SPLIT UP YALL THEY COMING IN YELLED Miya. I ran upstairs towards the cry and Miya ran right behind me but some man snatched her up and threw her down the steps. I kepted running until I was in a room to see a woman on the ground bleeding from her nose and mouth she had a needle in her arm. "Mama get up please mama to see this little girl cry for her mama it was like I was her I was seeing me act the same way my mother past. "Come here hunny there is some bad men downstairs who are going to kill you but I need for you to stay quiet. "But my cousin he told me to stay here so he can get help for my mama. "Ok but we gotta hide ok just until your cousin gets here. I grabbed the little girls hand and we walked into the walk in closet it was a lot of clothes so we both threw them on the floor and hid under the mountain of clothes. As soon as we got into hiding I heard Miya downstairs scream I even heard a few men come up the steps to each room. "Fuck this bitch done O.D we needed her you gave her the shit Tony Dragon gon kill yo ass! "Fuck you man ...didn't She have two kids though they lefted there is nobody here if she is shes some were dead she's not our responsibility we gotta go find Diamond stupid! I felted the little girl squeeze my hand and I just held her..
I checked my phone and it was now 10 o'clock I got up and helped the little girl up to. "So what's your name I asked while texting Raymond telling him what happened. "I'm Angel... I'm Diamond and I will protect you but you have to stay quiet can you do that for me? She nodded quickly. "Diamond can you fix my ponytail mama told me she was going to do it after she.. I watched as Angel words trail off her eyes were filled with tears. "Dont worry I will fix it for you I said with a warm smile. She sat in between my legs her hair was all the way to the middle of her back. I combed my fingers threw her hair some and put her hair in a high ponytail. "Come on . I grabbed her hand and we headed out the room and we both walked downstairs I was thankful it was dark outside so she didnt see all of the dead men that were around. We both walked out the door and noticed the truck that I drove in was not outside it was now cold outside and Angel she had to be only 5 years old. "Do you want to get on my back so you don't have to walk? Angel eyes lit up..Yes I would like that... We walked a few minutes in the dark and I seen a guy walk towards me with a gun I let down Angel and pointed my gun back at him. "Dont take her nowhere drop your gun the guy walked closer. He was tall light brown skinned he walked closer to me. " I said drop it! I dropped my gun and he walked towards me. "Diamond that's my cousin Kingston.. the guy came closer to me and he picked up his cousin I quickly grabbed my gun and pointed it at him. "Who are you! And why were you up in that house!!! "Look don't shoot we don't have anything I just lost my mom in that house my Auntie died two years ago somebody killed her and my father died from a plane crash its just me and my cousin please. My eyes filled with tears... "You don't have to cry about my story Miss just put the gun down. Stated Kingston while pointing his gun at me "Kingston her name is Diamond and she helped me getaway from the bad men. "Diamond..he came closer to me he was tall so I looked up to him he looked just like my father. "You look like..Jordan Kingston Simmons that's my father Diamond my mother name is Jocelyn she met our father a long time go. "My father don't have any other kids my little step brother died two years ago in that crash! "Diamond let me explain my mother told me that she met him in a club they loved each other but my mother found out he was married to your mother, Donesha who is my mother she lefted him but he got my mother pregnant. "So I'm your sister old are you I just turned 20 yesterday... Your father didn't tell you.. "No he..he didn't. Angel told me your mother died in that room. "She my auntie but she's Angels mom Angel is my cousin.. I saw three cars pull up Raymond ran towards me . "Are you ok you .what happened? "I'm fine Raymond ... "Was this guy giving you trouble? "No he says that he's my brother.. "Damn you found out! "What you knew and you didn't tell me! Your father told me not to tell you he didn't want you to know you were young he paid his mom keep quiet about this shit. "What about now damnit I'm 22 years old I'm grown why didn't you tell me now huh! ''Raymond shut the fuck up right now I need to go find Miya my best friend I don't have time to argue. "Are you talking about a pretty Asian girl.. "Yes have you seen her? She was in the backseat of a all white Toyota Camry I couldn't save her because Dragon wants me dead he knows I'm your brother. "Come on Kingston and Angel let's go. I got in the car with Garret and we headed back to my house since it was dark we decide to take my private jet to The Bronx. "Wow this is how you live sis that's what's up! "Were did you guys live.. it was in Brooklyn but we moved here with my Auntie then my mom died I tried to go find my dad but it was to late he we already gone. " How did you find out our father was dead. I asked while folding my arms across my chest. "I went to the house I seen the door wide open I walked in and seen multiple people in their I heard her talking I walked in and asked what happened. But she said I looked liked someone and tried to shoot me so I ran and hid. She kept saying I want Diamond I want her dead and she told Dragon how I was Jordan's son once they left I walked back into the house. "I had found a small safe on the floor in his office I had opened it with a key my mom said he gave me when I was baby. I had saw a letter with my name on it...." Do you still have it? He nodded and pulled out the envelope out of his pocket. I opened it and seen my father's hand writting..

Dear Kingston
I didn't have time to make a video for you like I did Diamond so here goes....
I'm sorry for everything I put you and your mother through yes I was already married and had a daughter named Diamond.. I didn't mean to hide you but I had no other choice Son. If your reading this please I want you to forgive me and your sister Diamond doesn't know about you either you look just like me so I know she will recognize you the minute she sees you. Please help your sister there are some people who want me and Diamond dead since your reading my letter they have succeeded I love you son

P.S. You and Diamond both have everything in my house my Lawyers already know you

"Oh my Gosh... "I'm sorry about everything Kingston I really am I didn't know I had an younger brother I just knew I had Jordan but he was my younger brother. "Diamond let me help you find her I need to know why she killed our father if she claimed to love him. "Well were leaving tonight and I know a safe place for Angel.

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