Chapter 21

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"Miss Diamond you've been been her for 6 months now and I am proud of your accomplishments. If you ever need anything please come back and see me. I nodded and gave Dr. Nevaeh a hug she really saved my life. I walked out the doors and let the cool March breeze hit my face I looked up to meet Raymond's eyes I can tell he knew I was back on my feet . "Welcome back Diamond I smiled and gave him a kiss on his lips...I pulled away gently he grabbed my suit case and we walked over to his black Range Rover I slid in the passenger seat while he drove further away from the Rehab Center. "Before we go home I wanna show you something baby. "Remember when your father said he has something for you when he thinks I'm ready for you to see it? Well Diamond your more than ready.
It took us a good 20 minutes to get to my father's house and memories begain to flood my mind. Raymond parked the car I hopped out and looked at the mansion. Raymond gave me the keys to the house I opened up the door I walked into my dad's office and noticed folders were on his desk with my name on it was thrown everywhere. "What the hell who did this Raymond! I picked up the papers quickly trying to put them together once it was neat Raymond pushed open a door that was in the wall. "This is what your father hid from you Diamond now you need to know the truth and I think this will help you with everything. I walked through the little room and switched on the lights money was everywhere in bags suitcases it was neatly stacked up nicely. I saw tv that read the words WATCH ME on a white paper. I turned the tv on and seen my father my eyes lite up and I touched the screen like I was a kid again .

Diamond if your watching this that means Raymond showed you the secret place your standing in. "Now it's all yours the papers I had you fill out was so that when a certain person go through my stuff they will see that our name is on this and that the house belongs to you."Diamond I want you to really open up your eyes so far I know you already put some pieces together. Keep doing it don't give up baby girl someone is trying to kill me but since your watching this that means that person did it successfully. "I love you so much Diamond me and your mother love you soo much and just to let you know I never stopped loving your mother she stopped loving us ... I gotta go cause I don't want Jada to find this place it's only our secret. "Be nice to Raymond because I chose him go be your husband I love you and I will always be in your heart my blood is in your veins so know im with you make me proud baby girl...

I watched as the DVD went black I seen Raymond turn off the t.v. tears begain to pour out my eyes I missed my father so much but I know I will do this for my dad. "Why didn't you show me this sooner? I tried to but you kept on pushing me away Diamond so I walked away if it wasn't for Miya we wouldn't be here months later . "Raymond I'm sorry for not being there I had given up on myself I .. I lost everything how was I going to stay strong. "Look at me Diamond you can do this now that your all well and better it's time to make a come back you show the world who Diamond is baby. I gave him a smile he was right I need to now it was time to get to work.
When I got home I ran upstairs to my room and placed the files all on my bed I opened the night stand where I kept the newspaper it was a picture of the plane my father and brother was killed in. I noticed everything carefully not anywhere did I find Jada's name it was like my father didn't put her on nothing but she was going to be his wife but then it hit me. Somebody on the inside was telling the Gang leaders all over town about me and how much I was worth somebody knew about my mother and how she was always home and smoked drugs heavily somebody got in between me and Monty so Monty only got close to me to so he can watch all the moves I make. The way "The Lawyers" looked at me I knew something wasn't right and Jada was always gone my father knew about Jada he knew she was trying to kill him that's why he told me to sign over everything to me. I ran downstairs to see Raymond,Anthony Garrett,Cornelius and Miya all sitting down talking. "I know who did it!!! Guys I figured it out it was right under our noses the whole time. "Miya remember how you said it was somebody from the inside .."Yea it had to of been. "Cornelius remember how you told me Dragon would do anything to get higher in the game... "Guys work with here think hard who is always gone when my father is out on business who's never around when I come around who knows about how much my father is worth and the biggest question is what happened to her when she was supposed to have gone with my father to Dubai!! "What the fuck .... it was Jada know wonder your father really didn't trust her he always had his meetings at his clubs or other places that's why he made you sign over those rights. "Diamond so were is she! "Miya if we find Dragon we find her I bet you everything I have that she got with Dragon and planned to attack me she wanted to kill me because she knew that if I die she would take over my father's money ,house, cars she did this and she told everybody how much I was worth so she put a hit out for me to reward who ever kills me! Raymond put his hands on my face and kissed me on my lips .! "You did it baby you figured it out I'm so proud of you he said while sitting down and began making some calls. "So now that we know that she did it Cornelius I need you to find out about Dragon for me he probably switched up his plans. "I already got that covered "Anthony I need you and a few other people to go under cover to The Bronx to spy on him for a few days. Make it look like your on Vacation visiting relatives also if you see Jada spy on dat bitch too. "You got it boss.. "Raymond we need to find those Lawyers you told me about I think they know something that we don't. "You right let's set up a meeting Tomorrow and Diamond glad to have you back with us

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