Chapter 16: A Strange Question

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"I dare you m'am."

"Dare me to do what?" Gem asked warily.

"To ask the Dark Lord how vampires have sex," Elizabeth said.

"Are you joking?" Gem glared at the servant but Elizabeth's face remained impassive and calm. "You want me to ask the ruler of the vampiric world how his race have sex?"

"You can use the excuse of inquisitiveness. After all, it's technically an interesting biological puzzle," the maid said.

"A puzzle my foot."

"So I take it you are not brave enough to take the challenge?" The maid raised her eyebrows.

Gem frowned. Elizabeth knew her weak spot and knew that she would never turn down a challenge. But this was utterly embarrassing to say the very least. 

"Or are you too shy to ask?" the maid continued goading.

"Of course I'm not," Gem snapped and got up. "I will do it this instant. You'd better watch out." She stalked out of the room and headed down the corridors.

Having memorized the route to Luke Garon's office, she followed the trail and finally arrived infront of a heavily guarded door. Two burly guards stood infront of it.

"I'm here to see the Dark Lord," Gem announced. 

"Who are you?" One of the pale but humongous guards peered down at her.

"Gem," she said.

The other guard examined her. "Confirmed to be a half-breed. A disgusting creature," he spat. "Go away and stop disturbing our master."

Gem's eyes narrowed. "Excuse me, I dare you to repeat the piece of filth you just spouted."

"I said," the guard replied with a grin. "that you are a disgusting half-breed unworthy of summoning our master."

"You son of a b-" Gem took out a dagger and slammed it at one of the guards. It pierced through the flesh of the guard's chest and he howled with pain. The other guard drew out a sword and flexed it towards her but she ducked it nimbly and threw the dagger in his direction. It pierced right through the stomach and blood started gushing out. 

Suddenly, the doors flew open. "What's going on here?" A low voice rumbled. 

Gem looked up and saw Luke Garon staring down at the two guards with a dark look. He looked extremely imposing and powerful with his dark cape.

"Who the fuck did this?" he swore.

"Me." Gem took a step out and stood infront of him. "I need to see you."

Luke Garon stared at the knife she was holding and his lips crinkled into a smirk. "What a fanciful entrance."

"Not entirely my fault." She shrugged nonchalantly. "I was about to make my way peacefully inside when two imbeciles decided to insult me. And..." She held up the knife and peered at the edges. "I happened to be decently good at knifework so I decided to do some experimenting."

"Ay, you two!" Luke Garon snapped at the two vampires wrenching in pain. "Get your injuries dressed and clean up this mess."

"Yes sir."

"And one more thing." Luke Garon pointed at her. "This is Gem Austen and she's my guest here. Treat her with respect. If not, you will find yourself being burnt with holy water."

"Yes master." Both the guards shot her an irritated look before disappearing down the hallway.

Gem couldn't help but smirk. "Pain in the asses," she muttered.

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