Chapter 7

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As much as it hurts me I've been avoiding JuuJuu for three weeks now. Abnormal pregnancies are more quicker then normal ones, I have a huge bump, my baby is growing fast..
I've been hiding out in the air vents to avoid anyone finding me.
If they find me they'll lock me up and separate me from our baby.

JuuJuu  doesn't want this baby to see the light of day.

How can our baby be a threat? Psh I don't believe that. Our baby will be a saint and do good for the world.

Yes. A saint yes.

I wish he felt the same though.

If it's a boy I want to name him, Jimmy or Clover, if a girl maybe Claire or Kelly.

I smile and caress my large belly until I hear a loud pang echo through the air vent.

Fuck someone is in here!

I quickly start crawling further away from where it's coming from but I collapse from exhaustion.

My baby has consumed most of my energy and I haven't really eaten since I'm hiding from the whole facility. I can't even carry my own weight and getting constant tunnel vision

But I have to keep moving forward.

JuuJuu has troops swarming the facility when I went into hiding, there be times when I hear him lashing out on other subjects at night in frustration because they haven't found me yet and the director is already starting to get suspicious of my whereabouts but JuuJuu hasn't said anything to him yet.

I start crawling around the vents where the facility kitchen would be and open the vent a little and made sure no one saw me grab a few pieces of bread before I close the vent again.

I gobbled it in seconds. Wanting more I knew I couldn't because I could get caught I kept on moving.
Living in the vents is rough. At least it's not lonely, I have my baby with me after all.


There's no windows inside the facility but I could tell it was already night time because all the subjects were going back to their cells, as I was starting to feel a bit relaxed a saw JuuJuu walking down the hall probably directors office, following him I started quietly crawling so the vent wouldn't make any noise to the office.

JuuJuu walks in and the director is on the phone and hangs up quickly.

"What is it JuuJuu?"

"Oh I can't check up on my darling father? " he ask sarcastically.

"Well actually it's good thing your here, I need you to bring down subjects #7834 and #7865."

JuuJuu cocks his head "GoGo and Heki? Why?"

The director rolls his eyes. "Stop asking questions and just bring them here."

He does as told and a few minutes later JuuJuu brings in the conjoined twins with their hands bind together.

"It was hard convincing them to come out but as you can see they're here " JuuJuu smirks as the twins roll their eyes.

Why do they need them here?

The director gets up from his desk. "Now twins I'm sure you guys know who Yo is correct? "

"Yes. " they answered in unison.

God can they stop doing that?

"Good. You see he's been ordered to terminate someone who can be a threat to us and from what I see he's disobeying his orders."

"What does that have to do with us? " Heki asks as she looks at her brother than at the director.

"I want you to terminate the threat." He says simply.

What threat? Is it a person?

"Why are you telling them to do it?! I could it! " JuuJuu shouts making me jump.

"Not only would you get the job done but you would also harm her, and if I remember we discussed that she was untouchable and knowing you, you wouldn't keep you word. " the director glares at him.

Who's untouchable?


Oh shut up Lucia he wants to kill your baby!

"Whatever, but I have every right to kill the little brat!"

"No, they'll do it, when they bring the body you can participate in the autopsy if you want. "

"Fine. " JuuJuu grumbles, crossing his arms like a child

It's kind of cute.

Oh shut up!!

"What if Yo changes his mind?" GoGo asks

"Doubt it. Remember Segi is with him and he'll probably defend him from Yo." Heki answers her brothers question.

The director points at Hecki and nods his head meaning she's right.

"So what do we do about Segi? " they ask in unison.

The director scratches his head. "He's a really useful subject but if he gets in the way, kill him. " he says bluntly.

"So when do we terminate it? " they ask

"Tomorrow night. We gave Yo a month, now he's going to pay the price. "

JuuJuu giggles at what his stone cold father said as the twins just nod their heads.

I'm still kind of confused though what are they talk-

I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and let out a sharp quiet gasp and quickly cover my mouth.

The twins and JuuJuu ears perk up.

"Did you guys hear that?" JuuJuu asks looking around the office.

What was that?! Geez that hurt a lot

I look down and see blood dripping down my sweats.

No no no no! Not now!!

I gotta get out of here quick before the hear me. I start crawling when all the sudden I feel my spine crack and collapse on the floor vent  making a loud thud and letting out a loud gasp.

Shit Lucia be quiet!

I see JuuJuu looking around.


I'm trapped, I can't move. My spine will take hours to heal and with the pain I'm in I don't think I'll last! I start panting frantically.

I'll be fine! I'm good I'm okay! As long as I keep my trap shut I'll be fin-

I let out a loud yelp and I feel my insides of my belly being ripped open.

"LUCIA?! " JuuJuu shouts


I see blood oozing out from the center of my stomach, the baby is trying to come out from there.

How can it even do that?!

My blood curdling screams are echoing through the vents waking every subject in the facility thus making it easy for JuuJuu to figure out where I am.

" I FOUND YOU HUNNY BUN! " he exclaims "OH WHEN I GET TO YOU YOU'RE GONNA GET IT! " I see him smile and bust out the office with everyone in it following him but the director.

I'm not even sure if I'll even be alive when he gets here because my baby might kill me first.

Ha cliffhanger! Sorry. :(
Lol wow it's been a while sorry for the slow updates I've just been busy with personal dumb drama and of course school.
Geez I can't believe Election Day is coming up ( aka scariest day ever )  like honestly our candidates suck I should be running for president instead!
Jk I wouldn't trust myself with the nuclear Button.

Anyways off topic, from here on I promise the next chapter will come more quicker

Toodles! ❤️

I Fell for a Psychopath ( Side story of Inhumane )Where stories live. Discover now