Chapter 6

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I'm alive!!!
Lol I'm sorry for the slow updates but since school started for me a weeks ago I've been pretty busy. :/
Also I just want to explain how these chapters connect with my other book Inhumane if you read or currently is.
Well these chapters somewhat can connect with some of the ones from my other book, for example
Chapter 4 is before chapter 12 in my other book
Chapter 5 is after chapter 22 in the other book, I hope that made sense lol
But now I found myself some free time so here you go! :)


It's been two weeks already and my period should've came by now.

Does this mean that I'm pregnant?

Did it work?!

I grew more excited as I thought more of the idea of having my honeybun's baby in me, raising it and loving him.

I really want to take a pregnancy test but obviously they don't have them here so I can't do anything but assume.

But I have to be! We used no protection whatsoever and my period is never late.

I should tell him.

I'm sure he'll be thrilled and I'm sure the director will be pleased that he will have grandchildren soon!'

JuuJuu went off to ammunition practice and won't be back for a few hours, so I have plenty of time to think about how I'm going to tell him.

I walk around the lab tests rooms seeing people being poked with needles, other having his thigh ripped open and implanting something in it and other amputating an eye and replacing it with another.

Typical day.

I can't really give JuuJuu a cute surprise because there's really not much to do.

I guess I'll just straight up tell him.

I rub my belly and smile at it. I'm so excited! Will it be a boy? Girl? Twins?! Alien?!

Ok I'm getting too excited now. Chill.

Boy or girl, I'll be happy with any and I'm sure the father will be as well..

But I need confirm it and I know just who to ask.

The guards are on break and no one is guarding the door, no one would know I was here talking to them.

Luckily JuuJuu had all the keys to each cell in here and with love i took it from him when he wasn't looking.

I hope he doesn't find out.

The door is a huge and made out of titanium steel, it wasn't hard to find a key just like it to fit the lock.
I also hacked the system and entered the passcode and the door opened.

The room was dark and I could barley see anything but thanks to my weak night vision there they both were sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, both heads looking up at me.

"Close the door! " they hiss

I apologize and quickly shut the door. No it's pitch black but luckily I can see them still.

"Hello twins" I smile. "This is out of the blue but I need a huge favor from you. "

They both look at each other and lift a brow

This was probably a long shot but I know they can find out if I'm pregnant or not, I really need to choose my words carefully, if I say anything that sounds insulting they might not help me.

The fraternal twins are conjoined, but they weren't born like that, not long ago I remember hearing about this wacky scientist that barely started working here and was curious if conjoined twins could be "manually" made, obviously he succeeded. He cut of each one of their limbs  on the opposite side and sewed them together or something, people are questioning what they even did to their genitals, when people ask the twins never give them an answer, so no one will ever know but them.

I Fell for a Psychopath ( Side story of Inhumane )Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon