Not Mine || Hinata Shouyou

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Not Mine || Hinata Shouyou || Female

Requested by thuglyfeotaku

"Okay, that's all for today," you said to the girl's volleyball team.

You were the captain of the Karasuno Girls' Volleyball Club, and only in your second year. You were the best player on the girls' team, and had very great leadership skills.

"Oh, don't forget, we have a practice match tomorrow against the boys! Get some good rest so we can beat them!" you called across the locker room to the few girls that were exiting it.

You threw on your shirt, and headed outside, to see that Kageyama, your best friend was just passing by, done with his practice.

You waved to him, "Hey Tobio-kun."

He turned his head to see you running towards him.

"How was practice?" you asked him.

"Good," he replied with the same blunt manner.

You smirked, knowing how to get a bigger reaction out of him. "We're going to win against you guys tomorrow in the practice match!" you said. 

"No you aren't," Kageyama retorted. He turned to you quickly, anger already flooding his face.

You snickered, "Oh yes we are."


You arrived early to the gym the next morning. You were fairly pumped and excited to play against the boys. Even though you know the chances of the girls winning was slim.

Since you got the the gym early, you had already gotten the volleyball net pulled out and up. Along with the volleyballs out.

You were alone in the gym for only a short period of time, but the boys side of the club came in, a few moments before the girls did.

Soon enough the gym was filled with the two teams. Everyone seemed to have the same mood as you, enthusiastic to begin this match.

Everyone began stretching, getting ready for the match. Then, you and Daichi shook hands, and the match began.

"Okay, guys, from what we know, the boys' team is fairly strong. But don't let that get the best of you!" you pep talked your team. "Bring it in guys," you ordered. You put your hand in the middle of the circle that you guys had made. Your teammates did the same.

"We will work hard and play hard. Stay strong, stay focused. Don't slip up, and don't discouraged. We'll win this!

"Let's go Karasuno!"

"Let's go," your team cheered in response.

"Osu!" the boys shouted, and the match had begun.


You stood with the ball in your hands. You tossed it up when the whistle blew, and served it to the other side. It traveled right to their Nishinoya.

"Damn it," you swore, quietly. Your main intent was to hit it to the small red-headed middle blocker in the front.

Noya tossed it perfectly to where Kageyama was, and made your situation worse. That serve was definitely in their favour. You expected Kageyama to set it to Tanaka on the left side, but instead he tossed it to the small red-head.

You were astonished by how high he was able to jump.

The red-head smashed the ball down, right within your reach. However, you were so shocked about the red-head.

Your instinct was to call up your team for a time out, and that's what you did.

Your team huddled around you, and you had the floor.

"Guys, we need a plan on how to deal with that red-head number 10. Any ideas?" you queried.

Your teammates shook their heads "no".

You tried formulating a reasonable strategy, but most of them were outrageous. The only idea you thought of was spotting him more often.

"The only thing I can think of is spotting him. But we can't be fooled, he could just be a decoy," you informed about your idea.


Hinata glanced over at you, who was surrounded by her teammates.

He found you quite attractive. But then he remembered that he's seen you around with Kageyama, meaning that you two were dating. 

And if Kageyama saw Hinata looking at his girlfriend, the chances of Hinata making it out alive were as small as a string. 


All throughout the rest of the game, you concentrated on that one number 10. He was the one that was giving you the most trouble, and you didn't like it.

Soon enough the first set was over. The boys' team one 25-11. It was a pretty poor scoring rate for the girls side.

Since you guys had more time, both volleyball teams played more practice matches.

Number 10 was the one that irritated you the most, but there was something endearing about him. You couldn't stop thinking about how attractive and cute he was.


You laid on the ground, exhausted from all the jumping and stress. You pant heavily, like the others around you. Some of the boys were laying on the ground, and some were just leaning over their knees; but almost all the girls were out-of-breath on the ground. You guys did work hard and play hard.

After a few minutes, you reluctantly pulled yourself from the ground.

"We should thank them form the game," you said to your dying team.

They all hoisted themselves up, still breathing pretty heavily.

You all on the back line, and the boys did the same.

"Thank you for the game!" the two teams shouted. You guys all bowed.

You guys moved, and began putting the net away.

You decided to talk to Kageyama, who was tossing the ball against the wall.

"Hey, Tobio-kun," you greeted. "Good job today."

The setter blushed. For just a few seconds, there was this comfortable silence between Kageyama and you.

That was until number 10 approached you and Kageyama, with a waterbottle in his hands.

"Kageyama, is she your girlfriend?" the red-head asked, pointing to you. You stared at him wide-eyed.

"No!" Kageyama retorted. A light blush appeared on his cheeks as he smacked the water bottle out of Hinata's hands. 

"So, mean Kageyama-kun," the short middle blocker said when he picked up his fallen water bottle.

"She's just a friend," Kageyama explained.

You waved to Hinata.

"I'm (L/N) (F/N)," you introduced yourself."

"Ooh, that's a pretty name. I'm Hinata Shouyou," Hinata said.

"I know we just met, but we should hang out sometime. I like your determination," you said.

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