ten (part two)

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"Well, forgive me, everyone. I'm not really prepared to make a speech," I apologize into the microphone, shyly grinning. "But I will because I want to say a few words. I would like to thank my uncle Wes for inviting me here to help on the set of this amazing movie. It's been surreal, and believe me when I tell you that I've had the time of my life down here in Louisiana. I've met some great people, had a ton of fun and I've made some new close friends." I look in the direction of my table, and all five people sitting at it make hearts with their hands in my direction. "Wes, you're more of a brother to me than an uncle, and I'd like to thank you for giving me the best month of my life. Ki, thank you for being my quiet friend. Even though you don't talk too much, you made me feel at home. Dylan, thank you for always making me smile and laugh, even when I feel sad. I know I can always count on you for a good chuckle. I'm going to miss being in your behind the scenes videos and group dances between takes. Will, thank you for being my go-to guy. You always know just what to say when. You three hooligans are three of the best guy friends a girl could ask for. Thank you for all being there for me when I needed friends the most. Kaya, thank you for being my go-to girl and my best friend here in Louisiana. I'm going to miss carpooling with you to the set every day, but I know our friendship doesn't end here. I'm so happy we became friends. And Thomas, thank you for being something great in my life. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us."

He blows me a kiss from the table and the crowd coos with happiness.

"And thank you to the girls from the costume department for taking me under their wing and helping me adjust to life on the set. You three really helped me out a lot. I think that's all I have to say. Thank you, everyone, for making me feel welcome. I love you all, and I'm really not ready to fly home to Vermont at noon tomorrow. I hope that I can keep in touch with everyone and that filming ending doesn't mean friendships ending. This month of my life has gone by way too fast. Thank you." I put the microphone back in its stand and walk off the stage, wiping tears from my eyes. Thomas stands up and gives me a hug when I make it to the table, letting me discreetly cry into his shoulder.

"Love, it's okay," he whispers into my ear, rubbing my back.

"I know! But I don't want it to be over!" I whimper.

"Hey, everybody!" Dylan slurs into the microphone. Will and Ki are on either side of him, holding him up.

"Ah, the poor lad has had a few too many drinks," Thomas says to me as we sit down in our chairs. I laugh at Dylan's inability to stand up on his own.

Will takes the microphone from Dylan and holds it to his lips. "Well, the three of us are all gonna have a shared speech, since none of us want to talk alone! And anyways, all of our speeches would've said the same bloody thing." He hands the microphone to Ki.

"So, we'd just like to start by thanking Wes for casting us in this movie," Ki begins. "We've all loved every second of our time here, and we can't wait to get back together to film The Scorch Trials. I'm honored to have been a part of this amazing cast."

It's Dylan's turn to speak. "And I just want to say how in love I am with everyone here! Especially Kelsey Harris! Watch out Sangster, you have some competition!" he hollers into the microphone, making everybody burst out into laughter.

"You wanna fight me for her, yeah?" Thomas calls back while laughing. He puts his arm around me as I scoot my chair closer to his.

"No, you'd probably win if we fought, and I don't want to live my life with that humiliation. Plus, I've had five drinks and I can barely stand. But yeah, I'd like to thank the cast and crew for putting up with my constant jokes, dance battles between takes, and constant filming for behind the scenes. I know I'm a pain in the ass, but I hope you all love me anyway because I love all of you!" He raises a fist into the air triumphantly, and Ki and Will drag him off the stage.

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