two (part two)

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I push the door open to reveal a pretty nifty room for only one person. A refrigerator is on the left when I walk in, and a stove, oven, microwave, toaster and dining table with six chairs accompany it. Further, a reclining chair, loveseat, and a separate couch fit for three are all arranged in a way to face a flat-screen TV on the wall. A coffee table sits in the middle of the room. Right before the common area are two corridors, one on each side, leading down further into the hotel room. Down one corridor, there is a bathroom with a large shower and a bedroom with a queen sized bed and a matching dresser set. I squeal with excitement, making Wes chuckle from the common area.

"Like it, huh, Kelsey?" he asks, grinning at my happiness.

"Like is an understatement!" I exclaim. "I mean, I can have friends over and everything! What's over there?" I point to the other half of the hallway on the opposite side of the common area.

Wes turns to look. "Oh, it's the same thing as what you just discovered. Each side of the hallway is a replica of the other. Both sides have an identical bedroom and bathroom. Every room on this floor is set up that way, even though no one from our cast and crew are sharing rooms. Everybody on the set has their own hotel room," he explains.

"So, my room can fit at least two people, but only one person is staying in it?"

"Yeah. When I booked these rooms for filming, I wanted everyone to have some space for stuff like what you kids call 'slumber parties', or if anyone wanted to have a guest stay in the room, like a relative or friend or something."

I nod. "Makes sense. When Connor comes, he'll have his own space."

Wes gives me a sly smile. "Yeah, he'll have it, but I know he's not gonna use it."

Sometimes, I wish my uncle didn't know me as well as he does. "Probably not."

Wes pulls out his phone from the back pocket of his jeans and checks the time. "Well, it's almost three. I bet you wanna get yourself settled into your new home. And let's also remember that this is my day off, too. I don't intend on giving another day off for at least three more weeks. I'm going to go back to my room to catch up on sleep. Fourth floor, first on the left," Wes says. He gives me a lopsided high-five with his palm hitting the scar on my wrist, sending a shooting pain up through my forearm. I try not to wince at the pain.

"Alright. I have my phone if you need me. Thanks so much again, Uncle Wes. You're the best."

"I know. Everyone knows I'm the greatest. Bye." He gives me a small wave as exits my hotel room.

"And so freaking humble," I mutter when the door is safely closed.

I spend the next hour unpacking my suitcase and backpack into my dresser. Seeing as I have ten shirts but only five pairs of underwear, I figure I should go shopping for all the clothes I left in Vermont. I always seem to pack too much of the things I don't need, but don't pack enough of the things that are more important.

I pull out my phone and create a three-person chat with myself, Mallory and Connor.

Hey, guys! I type. I just got settled into my room here in Louisiana. It's really hot here, but the hotel is very nice and my room is big enough for at least two people. I'm gonna go get some coffee with one of the actresses, Kaya. Talk to y'all soon!

I send the message and just sit on my sofa waiting for whichever comes first- a response to my text or Kaya to take me out.

The latter comes first.

As if on cue, a knock comes from the door. I jump up to answer it and see Kaya standing on the other side.

"Oi, Kelsey!" she greets cheerfully. "May I come in?"

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