housekeeping update

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Hey readers! As much as it saddens me to say it, we've reached the end of our journey with this story. I loved writing it and I hope you enjoyed it just as much. This book was the only thing I did in my free time over the summer, and it's great to have it out there online for all fans of The Maze Runner and its franchise to read.

As much as I would love to give a speech on how this story came to be, that is NOT the purpose of this update. The purpose of this update is to do some housekeeping on the book. In housekeeping, I answer some questions I'm frequently asked and I ask you all some questions about the novel, in hopes that your feedback will help me improve for the future.

First, questions people asked me:

· Will there be a sequel?

My answer is no. I do not want to write a sequel, as I have a new story in the making, but I also think that because Thomas and Kelsey are happy, we should just let them be happy and live their lives. Feel free to imagine any kind of ending you would like.

· If there would be a sequel, what would happen in it?

For the sequel, I was not going to write about Kelsey and Thomas. No, I was planning on writing about their child(ren). I thought it would be cool if Thomas and Kelsey had a son who, in his later years of high school, was assigned a female pen pal from Louisiana. This pen pal, as the readers would find out, would be the daughter of Alyssa. Yes, the Dunkin' Donuts employee Alyssa that Kelsey befriended in LCMR.

· Are you anything like your characters?

This may sound conceited, but Kelsey Harris is literally a fictional version of me. I put in a lot of my feelings and personality into her character. I did this because writing has always been my escape from the woes of daily life, and through Kelsey, I could show readers some common struggles that people in the later years of their teens face.

Now that you've heard my answers, it's time for me to hear yours. Here's a set of questions asking you how you felt about the book. Be as specific as possible, and answer as many questions you like! Your time is greatly appreciated!

1. What did you think of this story overall? Be specific!

2. What were some parts you liked and disliked?

3. Favorite and least favorite chapters?

4. What did you think of the plot? Did the story move too fast or too slow? If you would construct it differently, tell me how!

5. Was the update speed good? How about the size and breakdown of the updates?

6. Was the story itself too long or too short?

7. How would you compare it to other TMR/Thomas Sangster fanfictions you've read? Is it one of your faves, one of your least faves, or somewhere in the middle?

8. Would you recommend this story to a friend?

9. Do you think this story deserves the amount of reads/votes/comments it has?

10. Any other thoughts/questions/comments? Comment here!

Well, that's it everybody. I hope you enjoyed your stay in my little corner of Wattpad. I have three other works on my profile and would love it if you would check them out. Feel free to shoot me a message anytime.


A small town girl who never thought she had a chance

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