nine (part two)

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"Is it on?" Dylan yells as he bursts through the door of my hotel room. His hair is still wet and messy from his shower and he wears a black long-sleeved shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. Of course, Dylan is the last person to arrive.

"No, you're just in time!" Ki responds. Ki, Kaya, Will and I are all sitting on my furniture, crowded in front of the TV. Thomas is scheduled to come on the show any minute now for his interview. The four of us all have a big bowl of popcorn, and Will even drenched his in chocolate syrup.

Dylan sits down beside Will, and the commercial break ends. John McCarthy's friendly face takes up the screen as he sits behind a small desk.

"And welcome back everyone!" he smiles into the camera. "I have here with me one of the biggest rising stars in Hollywood today. Here in Louisiana to film his latest, The Maze Runner, please welcome, Thomas Brodie-Sangster!" The live crowd at the studio erupts into applause as the camera slides over to show Thomas sitting in a very comfortable chair. The five of us in my hotel room are screaming and jumping with excitement.

Thomas smiles at the camera. He looks very comfortable in his black jacket, red dress shirt, and black slacks. Red is a good color for him.

"Well, Thomas, thank you so much for being here tonight and taking the time out of your busy film schedule to be here," John McCarthy says to Thomas.

He shrugs it off. "Of course, John. I'm happy to be here."

John jumps right into the interview, wasting absolutely no time. "So, I've heard that you're from London, which we can all hear in your accent. Tell me, has there been a ton of culture shock for you during your time here in the States?"

Thomas takes a second to think. "Honestly, not really. The biggest thing is driving. Back home, the driver is on the right side of the vehicle and people drive on the left side of the road. But here, it's opposite!"

The crowd chuckles along with John. "I can assume it'd be hard to drive then, yeah?"

"Oh, definitely. It's almost like re-learning how. But I can't really complain. I've had a great time here filming the movie."

"Speaking of the movie, can you give our audience here and the folks at home watching an idea of the plot and your character, Newt?" John inquires.

Thomas will kill this question. He knows the story of The Maze Runner like the back of his hand. "The story goes like this. A boy wakes up in a giant glade in the middle of a labyrinth with no memories at all."

"That's me!" Dylan hollers. "I'm the boy! I play him!"

"He doesn't even remember his name," Thomas continues, "until a few days after he wakes up. His name is Thomas, and he's played by Dylan O'Brien. There are other boys in the glade, and the ones who have been trapped in the glade for the longest time have been there for three years. Each day, runners from the glade go out into the surrounding maze and map it, with the hope that it can lead the boys in said glade out."

"Very interesting. Does it ever get confusing on the set with names, since there's a character named Thomas and an actor named Thomas?"

He shakes his head. "Not really. Wes Ball, our director, and the crew refer to us actors by our last names or the names of our characters, so I'm never called by name on the set. I answer to my last name and the character I play, Newt. It eliminates a lot of confusion on the set."

That's totally true. I've only heard Wes refer to Thomas by his last name.

"I see. And your character, Newt. What is he like?"

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