Reaper at my Door

Start from the beginning

"It's too soon" my friend whispered her voice breaking.

"I'm surprised it hasn't happened sooner" I scoffed.

"There has to be a way around it".

"I've tried".

"Try harder" Laurel snapped.

"Laurel please, we knew this day was coming" I sighed standing up and assessing the damage I had created.

The room was a complete mess concreate covered the floor along with torn books, and broken artefacts, the air was littered with a fine dust from the wrecked plaster, I knew the rest of my home would look the same thanks to my magical meltdown.

I sighed, standing up waling to the large bay window to look out at my beloved city. I watched people running around like a bunch of headless chickens trying to get home encase another earthquake hit, while others stayed to fix the damaged I had caused. Smashed windows, overturned carriages, blocks of concrete and bricks littered the streets making the quarter look like a war zone.

"You cannot give up Giselle, what about Elijah?" Laurel questioned interrupting my stare.

"What about Elijah? We kissed so what, I'm sure he'll have long forgotten me by the next century" I replied turning away from the cracked window.

"And me? What of me" Laurel cried, making me close my eyes and sigh. I turned to face the coffee coloured woman taking her hands in mine trying my best to smile, I was sure it was more of a grimace.

"You have been more than just an employee to me Laurel I hope you know that. I couldn't have survived in this city without you keeping me sane, you have been my confident and most trusted friend but you need to live your life now".

"You're the only reason I'm living in the first place, so how am I expected to survive without you" she cried.

"Pick a place".


"Anywhere Laurel the world is your oyster".


Laurel Tuesday night had left; it took some convincing and a minor spell to get her to leave New Orleans. I had given her a good bit of my fortune to start a new life in London, England, after all I wouldn't need the money when I died.

Laurel deserved the best after the life she had as a slave, then cast out onto the streets before I found her and took her in; I just hoped she would have a long happy life.

My home had also been returned to its original state, fifty men to repair the damage I had cause with my magic, to some it might have been pointless to repair a home when I would die in a matter of days, but I refused to live in squalor during my final days on this earth.

"Just sign here Miss Claire, then were all done" the lawyer spoke breaking me from my thoughts; I took the quill from his fingers and signed the document.

"Did you hear its going to take five months to fix the damaged caused by that horrific earthquake on Tuesday" Mr Greyson said, making polite conversation.

"Yes I just got my home repaired myself" I smirked, if only he knew it had been me who caused the damage in the first place.

"They did a marvellous job" he said looking around, as I handed him the paper i had just signed.

"Now is there anything else I can do for you Miss Claire?" the pudgy blading man asked as he packed up the important documents

"No that's it thank you Mr Greyson, I feel much better now my affairs are in order" I politely smiled.

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