Chapter 19

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"After you, princess." Taehyung grinned mischievously as he balanced the door open with his foot. I rolled my eyes and walked into school, Taehyung following after allowing another student to walk in.

"Tae, don't you have to go to class?" I remarked as I noticed that he was tailing me all the way to my classroom. "The bell's gonna ring in four minutes, you know."

He pouted. "What, do you not want to spend four more minutes with me?" he whined, stomping his feet like a child as he walked. I snorted and pushed him towards the direction of his class by his shoulders.

"I'll see you at lunch, okay?" I giggled, practically pile-driving the siren down the hallway. "Don't get lunch detention for being late!"

"Fine, fine," he sighed loudly, escaping my pushing hands. He patted my head daintily before scampering off to his class.

With a disapproving shake of my head, I turned around and went back to mine. When I entered, everyone stared at me, and my heart leapt into my throat. I had yet to get used to be recognized as the only human in the whole school.

Jimin wasn't in class yet, to my displeasure. I sat down and stared at the desk, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone besides him. My classmates weren't staring at me anymore, but I still felt like I stuck out without trying.

At least they didn't eat me alive yet, I thought to myself, almost laughing aloud at the thought.

"Hi, Sori!" I glanced up to see the girl that sat in front of me wave brightly. Her smile was fanged, and her yellow pupils were slit. I'd only really ever seen the back of her head, so seeing her smiling at me was a little disorienting. I smiled, startled, and waved lightly.


"So, are you doing anything this weekend?" she asked. My eyes wandered to her friends, who were standing behind her. I recognized them as four members of the football team. Two towered way above me, but the other two were considerably closer to my height. They stared at me with apprehension, though there was no real aggression.

"I'm not," I answered coolly, redirecting my attention back to the girl. "Are you?"

"I am!" she exclaimed, her smile growing. Nodding her head at her friends, she said, "We're going to a party. Wanna come?"

"Uh-" coughed the tallest one in surprise, though the girl quickly turned and silenced him.

"Um... I'll check if I can," I answered, taken aback. "Thanks."

"No problem!" She grinned. "It's just that you're pretty cool, you know, so it would be cool if you showed up!"

I smiled weakly, silently willing her to turn away. It didn't seem like she had bad intentions, but all this sudden attention was unnerving. One of the shorter football players checked his phone.

"Hey, we gotta go," he said, nudging his friends. "Coach'll kill us if we're late again."

"See ya." The tallest one nodded at the girl, then at me, though more hesitantly, before turning and leaving, his friends trailing behind him. The girl waved and turned back around in her seat, to my relief.

Jimin jogged into the room, the straps of his backpack straining against his shoulders. The faint remnants of a smile tinged his mouth, and when he saw me, he immediately cleared bus throat and changed his expression. He slid into the seat next to me, returning my gaze levelly.

"Jiminie..." I began, almost smiling, "what was that?"

"Nothing--Well, actually..." A deep blush flushed over his pale cheeks. "I got a girlfriend..."

"What?!" I jumped in my seat, my knees hitting the bottom of my desk. "Really? Who?"

"She's in our grade," he answered sheepishly. "And-"

"All right, settle down, class!" The teacher rapped his knuckles against the desk. Jimin turned away, giving me an apologetic glance.

"Who?" I hissed under my breath as the teacher flipped open to a page in his book.

Jimin winked at me. "That's for me to know and you to find out," he answered quietly before redirecting his attention to the teacher. I pouted, my mouth gaping open in mock offense. How dare he keep something like that from me?

Taehyung might know, I thought, propping my chin on my fist. I'll ask him later.

During lunch, I immediately beelined to the siren boy.


"Yes, my dearest?" He swiveled around grandiosely and fluttered his eyelashes.

"No, thank you," I snickered, lightly shoving him. "Anyways, I have a very important question for you!"

"And what would that be, my dearest?" He batted his eyelashes so violently that I thought that they would peel off and fly away.

"Do you know who Jimin's girlfriend is?"

"Jimin has a girlfriend?" Taehyung cackled aloud. "I always thought that kid was asexual or something!"

"Oh my God, Tae," I groaned, rolling my eyes, "you're an idiot. This is important; it's Jimin's first girlfriend ever!"

"Well... that's not a surprise," Taehyung remarked. When I shot him a venomous glare, he giggled and put his hands up. "Jesus, Sori, relax, will you?"

I sighed loudly. "But I want to know who it is!" I whined, stomping my feet impatiently. "This is a milestone!"

"You'll find out soon enough..."

"I guess you're right." I slumped and crossed my arms in defeat. "Whatever."

Then, from the corner of my eye, I saw Jimin enter the cafeteria, talking animatedly with a girl that was barely shorter than him. She had curled, glossy hair, and her eyes commanded attention with their bright quality. She carried herself with such dignity that made her seem like a princess, despite her plain clothes. As Jimin said something to her, she giggled, flashing a million-watt smile. My mouth almost dropped open at the sight of her. That was Jimin's girlfriend?!

"Oh..." mumbled Tae, staring after her. "I didn't know Jimin could do that..."

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