Chapter 21

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"Where are my keys?" I rummaged through my pockets, turning them inside out. I remembered taking them off of the restaurant table, but now, I couldn't find them.

"How would I know?" Taehyung continued walking, his own pockets jangling.

I narrowed my eyes and jogged after him, latching onto his arm and yanking it out of his pocket. A flash of metal glinted in the sunlight, and he dashed away, giggling manically, the key ring still looped around his finger. With a loud groan, I gave chase, swerving off of the sidewalk onto the grass of the playground. Taehyung leapt onto a platform and took off up the tiny stairs built for kids, his long legs extending to take them three at a time before reaching the green slide.

"Taehyung, come back here!" I shouted, staying on the ground. I rushed to the bottom of the slide to intercept him, and when he reached the end of the slide, I dove for his hand, finally wrenching the keys from him.

Taehyung, who was laughing wildly, tossed his head back.

"You're no fun!" he complained, giggling as he rolled off the plastic slide.

"Oh, boo-hoo," I said, striding off.

"H-Hey, come back!" Taehyung called. I heard him clamber to his feet and run after me, his rubber shoes hitting the ground hard with every footstep.

"Where's Taehyung?" I ignored him, feigning confusion. "Is there a fly buzzing?"

Taehyung's jaw drop. "Rude!" he shrieked, batting my arm lightly. "Why can't you be nice like that girl?"

He nodded at the swing set, where a young couple not much older than us was seated. The girl was blushing furiously behind a curtain of dark hair as she giggled at something the boy had said. The boy grinned cheekily, showing a set of rabbit teeth, and adjusted the snapback on his head.

"Taehyung-oppa," I cooed suddenly, smiling shyly as I snuggled up to his shoulder, "you're so tall and strong... Please take care of me."

Taehyung balked, his expression turning into one of slight disturbance.

I dropped the expression and clicked my tongue. "Didn't think so," I said.


A/N: A short fluff to cover up my reaaaaaally long hiatus heusuzhxnifjjx my b. More is to come, I promise!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2017 ⏰

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