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Dear you-know-who,


11:14 AM

There I sat, amongst all the insanity that seemed to be rushing around the room and that had definitely been evident for the past year. As my mother ran around the room, trying to make sure everything was exactly how it should be, my two best friends were sitting at my sides trying to calm everyone, including myself, down before the place would catch on fire. Surely it would if my mother became so worked up that she’d bring out her lighter and start yelling out for a stick.


Today, being the most important of days I had ever seen, seemed to be moving almost in slow motion. I had woken up early, just as all of us girls did, ate a little breakfast, and then I ended up here: sitting in the uncomfortable spinning chair for almost three hours. That alone gave me too much time to think; time I didn’t want in fear of having second thoughts. What if this wasn’t it? What if it isn’t as perfect as everyone expects it to be? What if you don't like it? What if, eventually, everything crumbles? What if you aren't the one? 

Many of those questions of course have been running through my mind for months, but the bigger ones only became relevant as I stepped into the long white dress. Even more when I put on the veil, and now, with the bouquet at my side, I lost the ability to speak in fear of saying the wrong thing. 


“Jane? Oh Jane, you look so lovely.” my mother appeared, cigarette in hand, expressing a gentle smile of love and pride. I nodded my head and looked back down, attempting to smooth out the already perfectly ironed dress. “Darling, are you alright?” she asked, taking a step closer to me in her satin heels. I tried to say yes, but sighed when the only sound that came out was a soft yelp. “It’s alright to be nervous. Today’s your wedding day. It’s perfectly okay to be nervous, but it’s more important that you’re happy. Are you happy, dear?” her soothing tone helped me relax, as it always did since I was a little baby, as I’ve been told. 

I took my time thinking about it. You see, when asked if you’re happy, most people just reply because they don’t want to think about all the unhappiness. I didn’t want to be that person, especially at this point in my life when everything was about to change. Happiness: what really defines it? For some it’s love; for some its money. I don’t think it’s money as then I would be greedy. But I’m not sure if it’s love. I’ve had such a hard time with it I can’t believe it’s the cause of happiness; more like the cause of fear and pain if you’d ask me. 

“Well I think so. I mean, everything in my life is good. I’m good. There really isn’t anything that could make it better. So, yes, I guess.” I didn’t believe my mother would be satisfied with that answer, as even I was not. But she slowly nodded her head and stood back up, looking at the reflection in the mirror in front of us. “He is very lucky.” she smiled, running her fingers through my perfect curls. I laughed, thinking about how wrong she was. Of course I didn’t tell her, but I was really the lucky one. 

She settled her hands on my shoulders. “You deserve this more than anyone.” I held back the need to say no as I thought, “How could I deserve this?” Out of everything I’ve done in my life, which isn’t much, who says I deserve a big wedding the most. Doesn’t that seem a little selfish? The people who deserve them are the people that can’t have them. At least I have had the chance. But now, so close, I’m going to give up on it. 


“Sarah? Is she ready?” my maid of honor poked her head in the room, which had almost magically thinned out in the past few minutes, meaning the ceremony was about to begin. “Yes. Jane, come outside when you’re ready. You’re father will be there waiting. See you soon, baby girl.” she kissed my forehead and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts even more now. 

With the door being the only thing that stood between my old life and my new life, I wanted to avoid it for as long as possible. Of course I wanted to get married, who doesn’t? But I also didn’t want to give up my childhood. However, with you at my side every day, I don’t think I’ll have to. I slowly got up from the chair and stretched as well as smoothed out the dress once again. 

It really was a beautiful dress: covered in white detailed lace with a sweetheard neckline and an A-line figure. Simple, but elegant. When I first showed my friends and mom, they said it was “Perfect for Plain Jane.” My hair was shorter than usual, reaching my collarbone when curled. I had always liked it long until you convinced me to cut it not long after we first met, so I did it again just for this ever so special occasion. For my something blue, I wore a lace garter that he picked out himself, cheeky much? For something borrowed I wore your grandmother’s lace veil. The something new was the jeweled hairpiece my mother bought me. And for something old I wore my grandmother’s pearls. In all honesty, I looked like a princess. Feeling like it too, I smiled and picked up the flowers. 


Quickly I made my way to the door, smiling back at my father when he greeted me on the other side. “Well don’t you look beautiful, Janie.” he grabbed my hand and kissed it, making me laugh. “Ready to go?” he asked and I swallowed all my fears, putting them in the back of my mind and blocking them with excitement and love. “Yeah.” he held out his arm for me and I gladly took it, needing his assistance as I walked to the doors that were about to be opened. 


“You deserve this love and happiness more than anyone, Jane. Remember that, always.” he said seriously one last time before the doors opened to reveal the start of something new.

-Jane Fisher


Alright so this is the prologue. Sorry it's a bit short but aren't most prologues? It may seem confusing, but trust me, it's supposed to. It should make sense later. But for now, please let me know what you think of it. Is it holding your interest? What do you expect it going to happen after the prologue? Remember that I won't actually be starting the story until January, so you'll have to wait anyway. I need to finish up Never Had, then this one can begin (which I am really excited for by the way). Anyways, please vote and promote this story! It would be great if I could start out with a bunch of new readers who have never read any of my works! So please tell all your fandom friends. Have a merry christmas and happy holiday season everyone! -Katie)

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