Chapter 4

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Your POV:

We got back to the guy's house and I was still shaken up by the events before.

"You ok y/n?" Flowey looked up at me.

"Yeah... I just need to take a shower," I placed Flowey down on a table.

I went upstairs with a change of clothes I had from Toriel's place, then I took a shower. Only once I got out did I realize my grave misteak.

I left my towel downstairs. Oh golly, oh golly, oh golly!

"Hey Y/n?" It was Sans, "hurry up in there skeletons need to shower too." He was banging on the door.

"U-uhh i-in a m-moment," I was panicking and if I asked for a towel he would probably get a glimpse of me naked.

"Y/n I'm growing impatient!!!!" Sans was banging on the door now.

I crawled into the space under the sink as Sans kicked the door open.

"Huh?" Sans looked blankly at the bathroom, "Y/n? Where did you go?"

"I-I am right here,"  I squeaked.

Sans tried to open the cabnet and I was holding it closed.

"NNNOOO!!!" I cried holding it as tightly as I could.

"Why are you in there? Come out!" he laughed was he enjoying this?!

"Sans don't!!!" I yelled, "I-I am still naked, I forgot my towel so I'm still wet too."

Sans POV:

Y/n was in this cabnet n-naked?! I thought my face was red as I tried to contain myself.

"I will go get that towel," I said leaving.


"Thats non of your business not is it Paps," I completely ignored him.

"I swear if you did anything to Y/n I wi-" the weed stared.

"What exactly will you do Weed?" I glared.

Your POV:

Sans came back dropped off the towel and closed the door.

I came out dried off and got dressed in the outfit it was a black and red flannel shirt with a grey undershirt with a very dark blue jeans with black boots.

I came out and apologized for taking so long, I grabbed my bag and Flowey.

"Thank you for letting me stay but I must get going I came down here to help everyone so, I need to get going," I explained.

"I don't think I'm ok with you going out by yourself, we monsters ain't like we used to be on the surface," Sans explained.

"..." Papyrus was just quiet.

"I'm sorry to worry you but I made a promise, don't you remember?" I reached into my backpack and grabbed out only a few of my pictures from when we were little I showed them.

"Y/n..." Sans stared at the pictures.

Tears flowed down my face, "I-I never forgot a-about you guys," I wiped my eyes, "I need to go!"

Sans sighed and wiped my eyes, "No tears aight?" he looked at me and I nodded.

"Okay Sans... for you... Sans," I told him.

"Oi Boss I'm going with Y/n to go see Undyne," Sans explained.

"Undyne?!" I was so excited Undyne was my biggest insperation.

"Ahh don't lose your head over it she ain't the same ok?" Sans rubbed my head.

We said our goodbyes to Papyrus who seemed more worried about me than Sans. I still had Flowey he stays with me always.

"So where does Undyne live?" I asked Sans as I was skipping along.

"Uhh in waterfall if my memory is correct," he replied.

"Are you still sure we can trust him..." Flowey looked at me.

I stopped and thought a moment realizing that I actually feared Sans... I looked at him then back at Flowey.

"I don't know yet..." I whispered to Flowey.

He gave me a kind of confused look but knew exactly what I was feeling.

"Hey Y/n!!" Sans yelled waving a hand in front of my face.

I looked up at him in snapping back into reality.

"Come on," Sans grabbed my free wrist and pulled me into a tall patch of grass.

"He is late AGAIN!" it was a female voice, "The great and terrible Papyrus my ass!"

"Thats undyne," Sans whispered to me.

"Is someone here?!" Undyne yelled.

She approached the patch of grass, and thank the lord for Papyrus coming.

"UNDYNE!" he yelled.

"Your late!" she turned away from the grass.

"I FOUND A HUMAN UNDYNE!" Sans and I looked at eachother like 'what us he doing!!'

"Did you kill it?" She was stone cold saying that.

"NO I DIDN'T BECAUSE-" Undyne cut him off.

"Useless!! I gave you one job and you ****** it up!!" She yelled at him.

"I'M SORRY THAT THIS HUMAN WAS OUR FRIEND!!" Papyrus yelled back at her.

"What do you mean?" Undyne narrowed her eyes at Pappy.

"Y/N THE HUMAN FROM WHEN WE WERE CHILDREN," Undyne thn turned and walked away from him disappearing.

"I got a bad feeling about this Y/n," Sans looked at me, "Stay close ok?"

I grabbed his hand and held it, "I will stay close Sans."

"You promise Y/n?"

"I promise Sans"

I Promise... (UnderFell Sans X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now