List of powers from Arrowverse TV shows (November 2021 Update)

Start from the beginning

Power: Camouflage
Description: The power to visually blend into immediate environment.
Known Users: Maryam Luqman, Lynn Stewart (via meta-booster; temporarily), Tobias Whale (via meta-booster; temporarily)

Power: Catropic teleportation
Description: The power to travel through any reflective surface, such as glass.
Known Users: Eva McCulloch, Sam Scudder

Power: Cellular replication
Description: The power to replicate cells at a superhuman speed, allowing the creation of life-sized clones of its user, as well as the power to create extra limbs on a body. One meta can use this ability to make solid objects out of their skin.
Known Users: Danton Black, Jeremy Tell, Eve Teschmacher 

Power: Cryokinesis
Description: The power to generate and manipulate ice.
Known Users: Mark Mardon, Caitlin Snow (Earth-Two/Earth-2), Frost, Thomas Snow, Darryl Robinson, Mark Blaine

Power: Chronokinesis
Description: The power to manipulate time.
Known Users: Frida Novikov, Mar Novu, Oliver Queen, Deon Owens

Power: Command inducement
Description: The power to command others.
Known Users: Tyson Sykes, Lynn Stewart (via meta-booster; temporarily)

Power: Decomposing touch
Description: The power to cause targets to decompose on contact.
Known Users: Time Wraiths, Clive Yorkin, Hunter Zolomon

Power: Density control
Description: The power to manipulate one's density or the density of others.
Known Users: Anissa Pierce

Power: Dimensional awareness
Description: The power to see through the vibrations of other dimensions. This is what allowed Cisco to remember Eobard murdering him, even though the timeline was altered. 
Known Users: Cynthia, Cisco Roman (formerly), Franciso Roman, Josh (formerly), Mar Novu

Power: DNA manipulation/DNA simulation
Description: The power to dissolve the bonds of DNA in a subject upon physical contact with them to alter its nature. The user can manipulate their DNA to simulate/overwrite another person's DNA to the point that any DNA test that comes his way can be fooled.
Known Users: Matthew Kim, Clifford DeVoe

Power: Elasticity
Description: The power to become extremely malleable and elastic, allowing them to stretch, flatten, deform, expand, and contract their whole body, including limbs, torso, neck, etc. They can control how elastic/flexible they or parts of them are, allowing user to change their bodies into various ways.
Known Users: Ralph Dibny, Clifford DeVoe, Peter Merkel, Grace Choi

Power: Electrokinesis
Description: The power to generate or manipulate electricity. One known user, Farooq Gibran, was forced to continually absorb electricity in order to feed himself. Speedsters can generate different color static unique to themselves and use it any way they choose, such as concentrating the electricity to produce a strong static shock, or hurl bolts of lightning.
Known Users: Barry Allen, Barry Allen (Earth-90), Bart Allen, Blitzkrieg, Edward Clariss, Orlin Dwyer, A.T.O.M. Exosuit, Jay Garrick, Farooq Gibran, Lisa Gold, Eliza Harmon, August Heart, Mark Mardon, Accelerated Man, Metadoctor, Eobard Thawne, Jesse Wells, Wally West, Nora West-Allen, Leslie Willis, Hunter Zolomon, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Ana Lopez (via meta-booster), JJ Stewart (via stolen DNA from Jennifer)

Power: Electrolocation
Description:  The power to sense a living creature's bio-electricity.
Known Users: Farooq Gibran, Shay Lamden (Earth-Two/Earth-2), Hunter Zolomon

Power: Empathy
Description: The power to read, feel, and replicate the emotions of others.
Known Users: Perenna, Cecile Horton, Bashir Malik

Power: Elemental immunity
Description: The ability to withstand extreme temperatures with no effect.
Known Users: Icicle, Frost

Power: Energy Absorption
Description: The power to absorb a form of energy.
Known Users: Barry Allen, Firestorm, Farooq Gibran, Russell Glosson, Henry Hewitt, Al Rothstein (Earth-2), Jake Simmons, Caitlin Snow, Caitlin Snow (Earth-2), Frida Novikov, Alexa Rivera, Jefferson Pierce, Jennifer Pierce, Anissa Pierce, Ana Lopez (via meta-booster)

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