Surprisingly, everyone walked out of the room in silence. Nobody was speaking. All you could hear was the sounds of people shuffling their feet as they were leaving the room. Quite a few people didn't move from their seats, like us. I look to Jess and her face has gone as pale as a ghost and I'm pretty sure that mine looks the same.

"Let's go guys." I hear a small whisper from my sister as she slowly stands up and we all follow her lead. We walk slowly to a room that is kind of like a common room and its massive. We go to one of the corners and we sit there.

"We have to do something about this. Everyone back at home will not like this and will start riots. I can't believe she is sending them down today and is sending us down earlier." Uriah says.

"No, we can't do anything about it Uriah, if we do, then who knows what the Commander will do, maybe she will keep us in isolation until we are to be sent down, then we will be just like the ones who are getting sent down today with no training." Zoe is trying to convince Uriah not to do anything.

"We can't just sit here and do nothing." Uriah whines.

"But we need to. So that we don't get sent to our deaths earlier than we need to." I can tell that she is trying to comfort him into changing his mind.

"Uriah, you can let out all of your rage when we are down on the ground. Nobody can tell us what to do down there. But there isn't much that we can do about it now." I say to him.

"Yeah okay." He sulks and leans back in his chair.

"At least we learnt the majority of what we need to know yesterday. Apparently today was just going to basically be the same as yesterday." Jess says.

"Oh okay. Well we will be starting our combat training this afternoon so that will be fun." I say sarcastically

"You do know that we wont be magically amazing at fighting after three days of training right. Were only doing hand to hand combat this afternoon and we are probably only learning the basics" Amelia says and I roll my eyes at her.

"Yes I do know Amelia, I was only kidding."

"Sorry." She mutters.

"It's alright." I say as a ruffle her hair and give her a wink.

"Hey! Don't do that." She whines and it just makes me laugh.


We all went to go and get changed into some clothes that would be comfortable to practice in and found that there were clothes laid out on our beds all ready for us. They were grey on the torso and black on the arms and legs. There were some black sneakers as well. The clothes were tight fitting and I didn't like it all too much. I prefer clothes that are a bit baggier than this.

Jett and I walk to where the Commander said was the training room and found that it was massive. In one corner of the room had sections with padding on them, so I guessed that that was where we were going to be trained to fight. I also saw that there were already quite a few people there but I couldn't see any of the others, so we stood there waiting for them to come.

"Bastien!" I hear Jess yell, and I can see that Amelia, Jess and Zoe were walking towards us. All fitted with the same grey and black clothing. We all just chat and wait until Uriah and Asher get here. When I see them run in. They spot us and walk over.

"Thank god we aren't late." Uriah puffs.

"Well you almost were." Zoe says while she smacks his arm.

"Hello everyone. I am Mr. Whittlock and I am here to train you lot. This afternoon we will be covering the basics of hand to hand combat. Normally, we would train you in the morning and let you practice in the afternoon, but since it was all muddled up, you wont have any time to practice today, but you can tomorrow. Also, please stay away from the gun range and the melee weapons. Those are for next two days. Could everyone please pair up, we will be starting the training now. If there is anyone who doesn't have a partner, please come to me and I will sort something out."

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