Who are they?

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A/N it seems like everyone's doing one of these so I wanted in. I'm going to try and switch it up a bit so it isn't like all the others but that might crash and burn horribly so I'm just going to try my best like I always do. ^+^


Hi, my name is Helen and I live in an orphanage on the outskirts of LA. I hate it here. There is almost never hot water, no meals that taste good and basically no affection in general. I was told my parents were dead but I don't believe it. There was never a funeral for them and my brother and I were basically shipped here right after they told us. We do have a lot of aunts and uncles but it seems like none of them wanted us because we've been here for five years. I am now 15 and my brother, James, is 13. I have light brown hair that's almost a honey color, grey eyes and freckles all over my face. James has dirty blond hair, hazel eyes and not as many freckles. He had almost all the girls at school and the orphanage wanting to date him but isn't interested. I on the other hand am to blind to tell whether or not any boys are interested in me. Well, besides the weird ones that is. When we got to this hell hole we made a deal that neither of us would leave each other and so far its worked out. Many people have wanted to adopt him but he has always refused because none of them wanted both of us. Same with me, I've been offered chance after chance but if they wouldn't consider taking my brother to I was done. the head mistress hates our guts for this and tries to break us apart every chance she gets. It hasn't worked yet but I fear her plans are getting stronger and more full proof. Another thing I have about her is she hardly ever lets us do anything fun. The closest thing she has let us do besides letting us go to the library was let us have an hour a week on the computer. combined. We used that wisely and would watch YouTube for it. We loved it, it was basically as close to the outside world we could get besides school and the library. That's what we were doing right now.

"Who should we watch today Helen?" James asked as he pulled out his beaten up old laptop we had found in a dumpster. It had surprisingly fast reception and internet connection despite where we had found it. We were in James' room because it was the only room with a window.

"Lets watch some minecrafters" I said and typed in my favorite, JeromeASF. We laughed as he pranked the other team crafted memebers and then watched one of TheBajanCanadian's and had a great time watching him win the huger deans.

"They are the best" I said falling back on the bed.

"You've got that right" James said falling beside me. There was a nock at the door and James quickly hid the computer under the bed. The head mistress came in and glared at us. She was an old crone with beady black eyes, a wart on her nose and grey hair put back in a bun.

"Get ready for adoption day you brats" She said before leaving. I looked over at James and rolled my eyes.

"I guess I have to go then" I said and got up. James looked at me with hurt in his eyes.

"Don't worry, I would never leave you permanently" I said before slipping out the door and walking to my own room. I heard my 'two' room mates disagreeing.

"We cant wear that! We wore it last time! This looks much better" I heard her say said

"No no no! We can't wear that! It looks slutty" she said in a different voice

Here let me explain. My room mate, Beth, has a multiple personality disorder. She has three different personalities but you really don't want the third to come out. There's Beth, the kind caring one who is as innocent as a bunny, Karen who is reckless and likes thrill rides, she's the most fun. Then there's Karisma, do NOT cross her. She is the dangerous yet the most loyal one of the three. She is the original though so I have her the most but I don't mind, she's great company. The only thing that worries me is that she's great with knives.

my messed up life (adopted by Team Crafted)Where stories live. Discover now