Timey wimey magic

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Authors note:
This little fic is a Merlin and Doctor Who mash up, I imagined it being the 10th doctor when he was traveling alone... um ya I think that's it. Enjoy! :)

It's 2020 and Merlin sits at the lake. It's like every other afternoon in the fall. The leaves a falling from the trees in briliant reds and yellows and the wind has a slight chill that prompts merlin to tighten his scarf.

At first when he heard the strange screeching noise he suspects it to be just the sound of the wind in the trees but he soon realises that that was no natural sound. With a gasp he turns to see a blindingly bright light and a blue police box situated between a fir tree and a bush as if it was meant to be there.

At first the warlock had assumed that it was the work of sorcery, but the fact that he was the last magic user left made that impossible. He hadn't lost control of his magic in such a way sense he was a young man, especially sober, and he couldn't remember the last time he had a drop. Alcohol wasn't kind to a lonely mind.

Now merlin is over two thousand years old and to say that he has seen a few strange things would be the understatement of the century, but never in his life had he seen a telephone box that could teleport.

He was debating if he should investigation or just leave and pretend that this had never happened when a skinny man in a blue suit and a long brown coat came crashing through the door spraying a fire hydrant behind him. When he noticed merlin standing there he threw the hydrant back inside and slammed the door before Merlin could get a glimpse inside.

"Oh hello there!" The strange man greeted and thrust out his hand to shake.

Merlin was shocked, he had so many questions running through his head that he decided to give up and just shake the man's hand and choke out a "hi."

"I'm sorry if I ig nterrupted anything. I didn't think that anyone would be this far into the woods." The man apologised. Mumbling something about scanners not detecting any human life nearby.

They stood there looking at each other in silence, analyzing before the man said "I'm…. Officer John Smith." He pulled out a piece of paper and showed it to Merlin as of it was some form of identification.

Merlin raised his eyebrow at the man and said. "Oh really? Cause this says you're called The Doctor."

The doctor looked confused at first but then he smiled. "Oh you're good." He said as he put the paper back in his pocket. "Not everyone can see through psychic paper like that. You must be extremely clever."

Merlin just shrugged. "I read." He reached out with magic towards the doctor, scanning him. There was something about this man. He did not feel magical, but he definable not your run of the mill person.

The doctor spoke as Merlin worked, completely unaware of the magic that was surrounding him. This alone proved that he was defiantly not a sorcerer.

"Sorry about that." He was saying. "Let's try again, I'm the doctor." He offered his hand to shake again and cleared his throat awkwardly to get Merlin's attention when he didn't notice.

"Oh sorry. Lost in thought. I'm Merlin Emrys."  Merlin said and shook the man's hand for a second time.

The Doctor laughed as they shook hands. "Kind of like the Arthurian legend. You know with the sword and the stone and the-."

"Yes I know I'm familiar with the story." Merlin said cutting him off.

"Yes well with a name like that, who wouldn't be?" The doctor said with another laugh. "So do tell me, we're you named after the sorcerer of the bird?"

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