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Merlin couldn't even bring himself to feel  when he felt the blade of Arthur's knife pressed against his throat. The prince had been taught since birth that those who possess magic are to be killed instantly and without hesitation after all. 

Merlin swallowed hard and glared ruthlessly into Arthur's angry eyes. He could feel the cool metal against his skin as his Adam's apple bobbed. "What are you going to do Arthur?" He asked and when no reply came he asked "kill me? That's what you're duty requires, isn't it?." Merlin took a step forwards as he spoke and Arthur backed up it response. Merlin was relieved to note the fact that there wasn't any added pressure on the knife, but the blade wasn't removed either.  

Arthur's glare subsided slightly to reveal a flash of fear, hurt, sadness and lastly realization. He quickly removed the knife and let it clatter loudly on to the stone floor. "I... I don't know...." Arthur said as he began to pace back and forth. He stressfully ran his hands through his hair. "God's Merlin, what did you expect me to do? Why would you ever choose-" 

"Don't. You. Dare!" Merlin yelled as he advanced towards the price again. "Don't you dare assume that I chose this!" 

Arthur just looked at the angry sorcerer with fear and confusion. "Are you saying someone forced you to learn magic? To live in the heart of Camelot as a sorcerer who whispers his influences into the Crown prince's ear?" 

Merlin groaned and threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. "You complete utter clotpole! I was born like this! I was moving objects with magic since my first day on this earth. It's not like I could have been taught that now can it?" 

Merlin didn't realize that he had continued to advance on Arthur so much that the price was pressed against the stone wall with Merlin's  face only mere inches from touching Arthur's. He backed away a couple feet and looked at the floor. 

Arthur didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say so he just stood there pressed against that wall as he watched his manservant, friend, sorcerer, enemy whatever he is stare at the ground as if it's the most interesting damn thing he had ever laid eyes on. 

Sinking to his knees Merlin kneeled at his prince's feet. "Everything I am, everything I have done and everything that I will ever do is all for you, Arthur. I will always be there to protect you and help you unite the lands until you no longer need me. Do to me what you wish." He said as he bowed his head in submission . 

Arthur drew in a breath and he slowly made his way to the discarded knife that sat next to the kneeling warlock. He fully intended to kill the man but as he looked at that unruly mop of black hair and the ridiculously large ears sticking out from within the curls he couldn't bring himself to do anything. 

This was Merlin. There was no way that he could ever do anything that would harm Arthur or Camelot. He was the most loyal person that Arthur knew. He was stupidly loyal in fact. All of those times he had dived head first into danger in order to stay at his prince's side. 

Just when Arthur was going to slide the knife back into his belt Merlin spoke. He was still glaring at the stone floor and his hands were grasped so tight in his lap that his knuckles were turning white. "What are you going to to do? Kill me? It's not like I haven't tried." He said with a bitter laugh. "Not even a blade forged in a bloody dragon's breath could do the job. So go ahead. Do your worst." 

Merlin looked up with tears running down his face. "Go on, do it. Maybe the gods will finally release me from this cruel destiny that they have dealt me. Maybe the gods will realize that my destiny was only to fail! That there is no way for you to trust a creature like me!" He yelled. 

Arthur couldn't find his voice and he barley managed to put away his blade before he crashed to the ground to kneel in front of his friend. And a friend is exactly what this man was to him. There was no denying that, it didn't matter if he was a sorcerer or a simple peasant. 

Merlin×Arthur One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now