Her Unconditional Love

Start from the beginning

When she found no one beside her, Rosetta rubbed at her eyes and looked behind her into the bedroom. The green eyes I had fallen in love with now sparkled like no other. My vision allowed me to look closer into her eyes, without ever leaving my spot beside the closet. In her eyes, I saw the reflection of the entire room. I watched her eyelashes flutter as she brought herself to her feet and was able to count each blink as she stepped back into our bedroom. 'Vladimir?' She called out, glancing back over her shoulder at the balcony as she began to yawn.

Her voice echoed in my head as if she were singing. I would have enjoyed how I was seeing her longer, had her still expression not suddenly turned to panic. Her eyes grew wide as she glanced around the room, mainly focusing upon the freshly made bed she had touched the night before. Before my very eyes, Rosetta's face paled and I could sense her heart beginning to race.

She stumbled out of the bedroom and into the hallway after throwing the bedroom door open. 'Where's Vladimir?" Rosetta called out, her breath quickening as she clutched her hands at her chest. I could hear the tremble in her voice as she disappeared out of my sight. 'Has anyone seen my Vladimir? Where is he?!'

The pain in her voice reminded me all too much of how I had felt when we had first come home to find that my father had already passed in my absence. I didn't want to imagine what she had thought happened. I remained in my hiding place while she left, ignoring my ache to follow her. I would scare her and I wasn't ready for it. Some relief filled me as she tugged Franklin into the room.

'He's gone, Franklin!' Rosetta motioned to the room. 'We fell asleep on the balcony last night, and I woke to find him missing!' Even though she had already looked through the room once, she began to look again.

'He's too weak to walk on his own. He couldn't have gone far,' Franklin assured her, though made no movement to help her look. I watched his eyes glance towards the closet while her back was turned. Briefly, Franklin's eyes met mine. He was quick to look away when Rosetta turned back.

'I don't understand how this could have happened. He was with me the entire night!' She cupped her hands over her mouth as her watery eyes began to release tears.

I felt myself twitch as I watched the first tear fall to the floor. I felt helpless as she cried, feeling worse knowing I was the one who had caused it.

Franklin turned his back towards me, offering her his arm. 'Madam Rosetta, please calm down. I'm sure he is just fine. He must have recovered at some point during the night. We'll find him.' He assured.

To both of our surprise, Rosetta refused his arm. 'I want all plans for today cancelled. I refuse to continue anything until we find him.' She decided, wrapping her arms around herself as she allowed herself to sit upon the bed. More tears made their way down her face.

'But ma'am-'

'All plans cancelled,' she repeated without lifting her gaze.

Franklin sighed quietly, glancing my way once he realized she wouldn't look. I couldn't tell if his gaze was disappointed or concerned, maybe even both. 'I will let them know, then. Rest assured, milady, that Vladimir is safe wherever he is. We will find him, I promise you.' He bowed his head to my wife and quietly left the room. I could hear him begin to whisper to the other servants. Without a shadow of a doubt, he knew what had happened.

Rosetta stayed quietly at our bed with her gaze stuck upon her hands. She silently began to turn the ring upon her hand and started to weep. My heart began aching once more.

Yet still, I dared not move as she was left alone. I couldn't find the courage just yet. I assured myself that when the moment revealed itself, I would come out and talk to her. I was afraid of when it would come, knowing completely well that Rosetta could leave out of fright.

Wife of Vladimir ||Book One||Where stories live. Discover now