Chapter 14

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The next day the snow melted very quickly, it was low enough now to get outside. I changed quickly then Aaron and I ran to his house so he would get ready for school, which wasn't canceled today... yeah it stinks.

We ran up to his house and he fumbled with his key to open the door. "If my parents ask, we just played board games," he whispered as we walked inside.

As soon as we were inside we were ambushed by his parents. "Where were you Mr.!?"

"Do you know how worried we were!?"

"You're in big trouble!"

They kept droning on about how he was in trouble for getting stuck at my house. I quickly stepped in front of him. "Please. Mr. and Mrs. Lycan, don't be upset with Aaron. It's my fault. I asked him to walk me home, not knowing it was going to snow. So if you're going to blame anyone blame me please."

I hung my head a little bit.

"Aaron, is this right?" His Mom asked.

"Uh... yeah," he mumbled.

"Go get ready for school please," she pointed down the hall and he ran off.

"I'm really sorry." I mumbled. "I just wasn't feeling good, and my parents were both busy with work an-"

"It's alright," his mom smiled and Mr. Lycan walked off. "You know, I like you," she smiled.

"R-Really?" I looked up.

"Yes, you're a good role model for my son, I think you two are cute together," she smiled.

I nodded feeling a little spark inside my stomach chest.

"Um, thank you, I guess," I folded my hands together.

"So do you two have any classes together?"

"One. Werewolf class." I felt my face heat up a little.

"Really? I never suspected you to be one with anger."

"I'm generally not, my schedule had a misprint or something, and they won't let me transfer."

"I guess that makes sense," she smiled. "So. Do you like Aaron?"

"As a friend?"

"Sure... or maybe more?" She seemed to be getting antsy.

"Um, I'm not sure..." I bit my lip, "I mean he's great and all... I'm just not too great at reading emotions. I normally don't know I'm feeling anything until well... until I freak out a bit."


"I have panic attacks whenever I feel something, and then it's one of those cliche love endings. I have to fall in love to be "fixed". Whatever that means." I sighed.

"Well, sounds like you have a lot on your plate." She patted my shoulder.

"Yeah. I have been feeling something... glittery though. So that's gotta be a sign!" I tried to sound a little more real than just super monotone.

"Yeah? Well I hope you figure it out," she smiled again. Aaron ran out of his room, heading over to us.

"Hey!" He smiled.

"Hey." I nodded. "Ready?"

"Sure." He rolled his eyes. "Let's get out of here, and go have fun learning!" He laughed sarcastically. I rolled my eyes as we walked out of the house,mand headed for school.

The whole day was boring... aside from werewolf class.

As I walked into class I saw Aaron fighting Balto again. They were punching each other around a bit. Aaron got hit in the jaw, and he stumbled back.

I don't know what surged through me, but I ran over there and kicked the other boy in the... area and, dropping my books, punched him in the jaw. "Stay away from my friend!" I growled, leaning in towards him.

"And if I don't?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"There will be a lot more where that came from," I glared at him as I picked up my stuff and sat in my seat like nothing happened.

Aaron sat down next to me, plugging his nose, grinning like an idiot. "What's with the look?" I asked.

"You just beat someone up for the first time in your life... haven't you?" He said not making eye contact.

"Don't know what you're talking about," I looked over at him, and saw red under his nose. "Oh! You're bleeding!" I pulled a bandana out of my bag and started to clean up his nose.

His face turned red. "Stop, mom!" He rolled his eyes.

"Nope. You're nose is bleeding. I'm gonna help you. Because we're friends," I mumbled, still cleaning him up.

By now I could tell he was embarrassed, be kept trying to swat me away.

I glared at him. "It's almost clean!"


"No!" I continued my work. For a minute our eyes met, my (E/C) staring into his sparkling brown eyes.

I felt my face warm up, and I looked away, the first one to look away. I finished and held the bloody bandana in my hand. He took it from me and put it in a plastic bag, placing it in his bag. "I'll clean it and get it back to you."

"Thanks, Aaron."

"You might want to go wash your hands though," he laughed. I nodded and got up, walking to the bathroom, silently. When I got in there I saw Aphmau sitting on the counter.

She saw me and smiled, then saw my hand.

"Hey! Are you okay!?" She asked.

"I'm fine. It's not my blood," I shrugged, washing it off.

"Then who's is its?"

"Aaron's. He got a bloody nose in a fight, and I helped him clean it up," I ripped some paper towel and dried my hands. "Hey, why are you in here by the way?"

"Just trying to escape most of class," she giggled.

"Oh, well have fun staring at the toilets!" I waved as I headed off, back to class for me.

I got back into class and the one guy which I forgot his name again, was glaring daggers at me.

After class he stormed over to me, slamming his hands on my desk. I got up and walked away, which seemed to make him angrier. Well at least it wasn't Aaron who was angry at me.

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