Chapter 13

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I woke up feeling a lot better than yesterday, I was still cold, and rather... upset that the one time I walked home, during winter, at night it came down on me.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, yawning. I pulled a small blanket around my shoulders. For some reason my bed felt a little more droopy than usual. I looked over and saw Aaron laying... next to me...


I quickly swallowed down everything I was feeling and stood up. I slowly and quietly walked out of the room and walked downstairs.

I saw my mom sitting on the couch, watching the news. "Hey mom, why is Aaron in my room on a Wednesday morning?" I asked.

"He spent the night." He smiled, taking a sip of coffee.

"But why? And where's dad?" I sat down next to her.

"Because there was a snowstorm. Don't you remember, you and Aaron came in practically frozen. By the way school's canceled today, were snowed in. Your dad got stuck at work too." I walked over to a window, and threw open the curtains and saw snow piled as high up as well... let's just say I could barely see the sky.

"I'm gonna go change," I said before running upstairs. I opened my door quietly, and saw Aaron sitting up on my bed, so I walked in without saying anything, still staying quiet.

I quickly took note of his rosy cheeks... or blush. "Morning," I said walking to my closet.

"M-Morning," he mumbled back.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, racking through my shirts.

"Fine. You?" He asked.

"Well." I pulled out a shirt and some jeans and walked into the closet, and changed then walked out and sat next to him on the bed, looking at the covers.

"Oh... I'm sorry about the whole, sleeping in the same bed thing." He looked flustered.

I rolled my eyes. "It's fine, my mom trusts you."

"Oh... thank Irene," he smiled. "But what about you? Do you trust me?"

"Yes." I looked up at him at his soft dark brown eyes. "Do you trust me?"

"Uh, huh," he nodded. "Well I should probably get home."

"Might be pretty hard considering that the snow piled up... over your head," I mumbled, picking at my nails.

"Seriously?" He groaned. "I am so dead when I get home!!!"

"Well at least you can enjoy today with me!" I forced a smile.

"Fair enough... so what are we going to do?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I don't know that's for you to figure out." I groaned.

"Wanna watch some movies?" He smirked.

"Like what?" I glared.

Next thing I know it's pitch black in my room, all the lights off and the curtains closed and I'm burying my face in Aaron's chest. I don't know what he was thinking when he chose horror, but that boy is going to give me a panic attack.

"It's over," Aaron whispered. I lifted myself off him, and punched him in the arm. "Ow! What's that for?!"

"Trying to give me a panic attack. Maybe something that won't trigger my emotions," I rolled my eyes.

"Right, I didn't think about that... wanna watch Grimm?"

"You mean the best television show of all times?" I raised an eyebrow. His jaw dropped.

"You know it!?"

"Duh! It's the best show in the entire world!"

"Who's your favorite character?"

"Monroe, Rosalee, Nick, Trouble, Hank, Wu, Shawn, Adaline, Bud, Kelly and Kelly!" I counted off on my finger.

"So almost everyone? What about Juliet?"

"She hurt Nick!!!" I snapped.

"Yeah, well it wasn't her fault that she was turned into a hexenbeast... and to be fair that's Buck's fault."

"Not exactly, Shawn's mother warned her, and she just ignored it."

"Because of Nick." He urged.

"No!" I snapped.

"Fine, why do you like Adaline?" He scrunched his face up like he smelt something bad.

"Because she's nice in the end, and not a jerk wad!"

"Huh, what about Monroe and Rosalee?"

"They're perfect for each other. It's obvious!" I rolled my eyes.

"Last, but not least... what about Trouble?"

"She is awesome! She can kick butt!" I punched him again.

"And Eve?"

"Don't bring that up!" I pushed him off the bed.


"Not sorry you deserve that you jerk!"

"Sorry, I won't say it again!" He groaned. He got back up, and sat next to me. We binge watched seasons one through five of Grimm, the whole time me ranting about how Nick and Juliet were a great couple, but it was just a big lead up for a extremely dramatic fourth and fifth season.

"Yeah, but see Nick likes Adaline now!" I pointed out as they kissed.

"Yeah, but he doesn't know about Eve yet!"

"No! You stop! She's not the person he knew! She's a killing machine!" I pointed at him angrily.

"Fine I can admit that she is a bit of a killing machine." He laughed. I rolled my eyes.

"Obviously. She killed that one guy by looking at him."

"Yeah... but then left Nick to kill the other two." He looked at me.

"Well her job was done, and if you didn't realize the only reason they had Nick meet her there was because they wanted him to take out the bodyguards."

"Sure... okay," he rolled his eyes.

"BUT THEY DID!!! Seriously they told him to his face, you need to pay more attention to their talking. It really comes in handy later on." I mumbled.

"Do you think Kelly's going to be a hexenbeast or a Grimm?"

"Hmm, tough call. He could be either one. Or both. Either way both would put him in danger... probably if he was a Grimm he'd be dead a lot faster though."

"It's kind of weird though... right?"

"Seeing a former hexenbeast living, kissing, and being with a Grimm?"

"Yes, exactly."

"Eh, he was with Juliet," I shrugged.

"Fair enough," he nodded. "What's you favorite episode?"

"Lost Boys, that was amazing!" I let a small smile slip through.

"Okay... SHHHHH they're getting to the restaurant!!!"

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