The dumbest thing she probably ever did

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Maybe I should tell you guys, why Charly knew in the first place, that her neighbour had a crush on her. And the reason she knew that it couldn't be good to have a crush on him.

So. The story goes like this...

It was a wonderful year for Charly. She finished secondary primary school, was able to go to the high-school she always wanted to go and she got a new little baby brother.

It's also very important to know that Luke and Charly are childhood friends. She can't remember a year were he wasn't on her side.

This year she planed on getting a fishing license. (PFF yeah, I know what you probably think:"Y do u need a license to fish?" Well... The hell should I know?! xD)
Luke's hobby was to go fishing, and Charly thought, maybe she could do it, to have something in common with him. Anyways, she told him she was planning on doing so. (Unfortunately she never did.) And her Birthday was just around the corner, so he offered her a used fishing route from him as her birthday present. (Yeah, not that romantically, but do you know how expensive these things are?) So she said she could never ever take this offer!

They always played Badminton on the Eve. Once they even played 'til night came out and they took like a 2-3 cm long lightning rod and placed it in between the 'ball', so they could see it.

One of his other hobbies was playing Volleyball. He offered her to come with him to his training. But when he first did, she was sitting in a bus to Germany, and when he second did, she hadn't time.
There wasn't a third time, actually.
He saw how bad she was, (because they once tried to play in his yard) and stopped asking.

They started having much fun together as friends. And Charly was happy.

It was on a sunny, hot, June day. The school-year was about to end, and Luke asked, if she wanted to come, make a barbecue with him on his own self-built grill. She said yes, she would absolutely like to come. And so she was preparing everything whilest he cooked some meat on his grill. Not hiding his pride on this thing.
They ate and cleaned everything up.

Fun fact: this summer they both had a scaffolding at their houses, because Charly's house was getting renovated and Luke's house was getting repaired on the roof, because they had a hole up there or something.

Anyways, they decided to crawl up the scaffolding on his house and sit there. Watching the night sky full of stars, with their legs dangling from far upon the ground. Now Luke was a Man of lots of things. But definitely not of heights.
But he crawled up there anyways.

They talked about what seemed like everything and had such a great time.

Charly was wearing a violet dress, reaching to her knees and a jacket (obviously). Her hair was tied in a ponytail and he was wearing a red shirt with something printed on it and shorts.

Her dad told her to come home at 10:30 pm.
When it was 10:20 pm she muttered:

"No. Please. I don't want to go home!"

And on 10:40 pm she said:

"I should have gone home 10 minutes ago. But I don't want to leave."

And at 10:55 pm Luke moved closer to her. And with close, I mean, close.

She turned to him with a confused face. He laughed embarrassed.

Wait. Did this just really happen'? We are just friends, right? I mean, he's not having feelings for me, right? Wait. No. Stop. I want him to have feelings for me. No. No. Why did I just make that face?! Stop it Charly! You're ruining it!

-"Well... What did I do wrong?", he asked, moving away from her.

Totally flashed by this question and all the thoughts going through her had, she said:

"Don't. Just... Never ask what you did wrong."

He looked at her. Confused.

Oh my god, Charly. You are so dumb. What is this sentence!? Charly. Focuse. Look at me. Are you dumb? No. No. I mean. Are you dumb?

She looked at her watch.

11:00 pm.

"Well. I am already half an hour late. I'll go home now. See you."

And she started walking home, cursing herself to death in her mind.


The next day they met at his home and he was watching a movie, laying on the couch. She joined him and lay herself at his side.
They watched a few minutes and she started moving closer to him.

'Please let this work. Please let this work.', she repeated in her mind.

He moved a little away from her.
She did it again.
Now he stayed were he was.

They lay there for like half an hour, then Charly's phone rang.
Stupid phone.
And her Dad told her to come home immediately. (He always did that.)
She explained Luke, her father would need her, and if she could, she would come back. (She didn't come back.)
And started heading through the living room.

-"Wait.", he said. "What... was that all about?"

She smiled, responding: "Oh, you know it.", and walked outside.


Seems like everything was fine until now, right?
For some unexplainable Reason, they stopped having contact, because they are both dumb and super naive.

But ~whatever~.


What a stupid Story.
I really have to say, you have outdone yourself. Probs to you, Charly. Probs to you.

4 Ever Together - The Story Of 2 Best FriendsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant