Shakunthala New version

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Sandhir was feeling awkward after the kiss,they were avoiding each other. They didn't take their supper saying they are full and slept.

Days passed in ignorance game by sandhir and on weekend sanyu was making mangu eat something he has been 3 months now. Their door bell rang and came vd with a tensed face.

S: bhai
Vd : sanyu help me yaar
S: what kind of help
Vd: I'm the secretary of this housing and we planned a drama for the annual function
S: wow we all will come to watch
Vd: but now the drama company told they won't be coming because their heroine left with the driver of their van
S: haha that's great
Vd: you too call me bhai and this. Yeh sunnae se achha toh mein mar jaata
S: nice acting
Vd: has lo
S: ok what help you need from me
Vd: will you be the heroine of the drama
S: are you out of your mind.I don't know acting
Vd: please if you do this I'll give you a chocolates,ice creams and everything you's my izzat ka sawal
Sanyu with natak of hers to think and finally agreed.
S: what should I dialogue
Vd: it's all recorded you just lipsync
S: done

Night sanyu called the guys to hall.

S: ahem ahem so if you want autographs just take it now,later you won't get chance
P: sanyu you too going to act like me
S: i got an offer to play a drama for the annual function and after seeing my performance maybe I'll get offers from KJo or Bhansali. Don't worry parthu I'll ask them to give you too a chance
Rd: dreams and goes from there
Y: he is just jelo
P: which character you are going to play
S: oh no i didn't ask bhai about problem tomorrow you will see my on the spot performance

The next morning sanyu was excited for her play. Vd came with the director. He told they need to do Shakunthala story and he gave her what she needs to do and dialogue delivery won't be a issue. Sanyu agreed and asked who will play the hero,with her.
Director was just blushing and drawing patterns with his toe and said he will playing Dhushyanth.

S: what you will do .then who will direct
Dir : I'm capable of doing both at same time
S: i need a hot guy not someone like you. I think you didn't take bath from several months,then your beard and hair are all grown you look like pagal
Dir : how you know i didn't bath for 2 months
S: because you are stinking like a pig. Get me a hero like Ranbir Kapoor go fast
Dir to vd : before acting she is throwing tantrums like film actresses
Vd: we need to make our play hit that should be our focus .
Dir :hero.
Vd :don't worry if i can arrange heroine in one day then in seconds i can find hero too. Go and look all other arrangements

Night and the stage was ready and sanyu in her Shakunthala attire a white saree and with lilies in her hair amd two other girls as her friend. They heard a sobbing sound and turned to see the director.

S: why are you crying
Dir:with happiness for the first time one of my play is being played on stage and my heroin is looking hot
S: mind your words and I know I'm smokingly hot and winked at him
Dir : i too need to act and started crying
S: hmmm let me can play my dad role
Dir : what
S: yes by lookwise you look same

The announcement was done and all gathered around and took their seats to enjoy even mangu with parth and yoyo.

The curtain rise and first introduction.
Director will play Shakunthala dad.
Sanyu as Shakunthala
And then hero Dhushyanth and light falls on rd.
Sandhir look at each other with shock

The play start.

Shakunthala upbringing by the saint and little Shakunthala will be shown and Mangu plays the role. Then scene changes to Sanyu coming and she stand there without any dialogue and looks here and there. Her gaze fall on vd and he gives a puppy face and shows a board written Record not working.

The whole world crashed down. Another announcement saying due to technical error the play will resume in 5 minutes and crowd becomes angry and starts throwing tomatoes.

Vd: I'll tell them the play is cancelled
S: no bhai. I've slight idea of the story then I'll add my masala and give it a new form. Rd are you with me in this
Rd: anything for bhai
She told her idea.

The curtain rise again

Shakunthala ( Sanyu)was loitering in garden and see her dad going with his usual bag.
S: dad where are you going
D: daughter I'm going to meditate for some days in the forest and will return after one month
S: dad what type of meditation is that
D(i.m): running from you so that you can enjoy your life
S: did you say something
D: no my's for our happiness
S: then you come after one year dad. In mind so i can enjoy my life with my friends
D: what
S: happy journey dad

Next scene,shakunthala took her brand new Samsung S7 and dial the number.
S: hey girls let's do conference call
G1: hi shaku
S: hi so wassup
G2: boring life in this forest
S: dad is out of station so let's go for outing
The girls agreed and they meet
G1: shaku your dress is beautiful
S: dada brought it from the market.IT very expensive
G2 : you are lucky to have such a wonderful dad
S: that guy who comes to study pooja from dad is flirting with me
G1: he is handsome
S: i want a sexy guy not that one

Then they hear a bike sound and turns to see the hero i mean Dhushyanth (rd) entry.
Dh : hey girls need a ride
S: no and start walking
Dh:attitude.i like it
S: hehe and smiles at him and let out a ahhh sound .
Hero parks his bike and come near her and she shows her feet.
Dh : an ant and took it out
S: oh you are hero and battling her lashes
Dh : hey beautiful.can I have your number
S: sure I'll give you miscall.i don't recharge
Dh: ill call you see you later

At night her phone rang with an unknown number
S: hello
Dh : hi guess who is it
S(i.m): can't recognize the voice .is it ramu no shamu no manu arey yaar .what should I do
Dh: can't guess
S: ummm
Dh : your hero.we met today morning
S: yes sexy
Dh: fast ha
S: you didn't like
Dh: i love it .you can call me dhishu
S: and shaku.
Dh: shaku's dhishu

Then their talks continued.
S: my dad us out of place
Dh: so
S: you didn't get my point.i'm alone
Dh: you want me me to come over there
S: yes

I'll be there in seconds. Then they do their coochie cooing and he give her a ring.
Dh: this will remind me of our love till i return
S: mind such an ordinary gold ring,I was expecting a solitaire and i got this and left the ring in her room

After few days she was in her dreams and she didn't hear the voice of other Saint Dhurvasav
Dhur : hey can't you hear my voice
S still in her fantasies.
Dhur shakes her and she looks at him
S: uncle
Dhurv : I'm very angry with you
S: don't say like that I'll give you melody chocalaty
Dhurv : I don't want .i need to curse you
S: ohk.but i should be a small curse
Dhurv : you will forget the person whom you love
S: hehe.I don't love anyone and leaves from there

After few days she finds her pregnancy and her dad also back

S: what will i tell dad. And who is the father of this child
D: dear why are you tensed
S; I'm pregnant
D: nahiiiii
S: haaaaa
D: dad
S: still confused
Dhruv : see my curse worked and did a dance
S: how can I remember
Dhurv : look for his any love sign
She looks everywhere and finds the ring.
S: dad,uncle dhishu is the dad
Her dad and uncle goes to his house and they forcefully make him marry her.

End of the play announced and curtains down. For few minutes no reaction from audiences and then all laughed their heart out.

Some stupidity I scribbled.Sorry guys.

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