Chapter 22

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                        Alicia POV

"You're on in five minutes!" CC yells and walks over you me.

"Thank you!" I yell back even though he is standing right in front of me.

"Damn girl. You win. You win. You're the louder one" he says and I giggle. I'm so excited I am getting married. I'm also nervous. God damn it. Go away nervousness. You love him.  Why should I be nervous? Oh... yeah.. That.

"hey I've got to go and calm Andy down" he hugs me "He thinks you are going to back out on him."

"OK tell him I love him and would never back out and give him this" I give him a kiss on the cheek. He blushes and giggles like a little school girl and skips out. He is such a good friend. Speaking of good friends. I look at myself in the full body mirror and Mel walks up behind me and stares in awe. I look down at my outfit. I'm wearing black and white laced, medium length dress. The veil is a black crown of thorns looking thing with lace falling back midway. I have on white flats with white and black spiderweb tights. I'm wearing a white bracelet that laces around my hand and hooks on to my middle finger.

Now my engagement ring, that is just beautiful. I see Andy really knows my taste. It has has small black and red jewels with a silver band. An engraved heart hides on the inside. I love it.

Our wedding rings were one of kind. Andy's ring had the lettering COOKIE'S engraved on the side. Indicating he was mine. Mine had BUBBA'S engraved on the side. Indicating I was his. Andy and I also both got a Batman symbol engraved on the inside of our rings. They took forever for the jeweler to make but they ended up being beautiful.

"You look stunning" Mel says snapping me out of my trance.

"It's just a dress, not a masterpiece" I say but she just rolls her eyes and hands me my bouquet.

"Person-getting-married goes first" she says trying to sound like shes saying "ladies first" but she completely failed. I giggle and walk out the door and head toward the isle. I let Mel go down the isle first because thats what you are supposed to do. My dad walk up and next to me and gives me a questioning look.

"I'm ready" I gulp and we start to walk down the isle. I can feel all eyes on me, which makes me nervous. I look around at everyone and see a pale man with short brown hair that looks awfully similar to my biological.. father? No...That can't be him. I push that thought away and keep walking. Then I see Andy. I see him staring in awe at my sight. He is wearing his all black tuxedo and he left his nose and lip ring in. I stand next to him and he still is staring at me. I giggle and blush a little. I nudge him with my shoulder to snap him out of his trance and he faces forward. I start to sweat. Why am I nervous? You're marrying the man I love and cherish, and you're sweating? Wow Alicia... Wow.

"Hey.. Was their a reason why CC kissed me on the cheek a moment ago?" he whispers and looks at me in confusion. I giggle and and kiss him on the cheek.

"It was from me" I say and he gives me an "Oh" face expression. We look forward and let the priest begin.

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Alicia Johnson and Andrew Biersack in holy matrimony.  If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together - let them speak now or forever hold their peace." He says and a  quiet mumble comes from the crowd. I turn around and see that man that I thought was my father walking out. Who is he? I turn back around and look over at Andy.

"Just go on with it" Andy says and motions for the priest to continue.

After a few minutes it was time for Andy to say his vows.

"I, Andrew Biersack, take you, Alicia Johnson, to be my wife, my  best friend, my faithful partner and my love till the end of time. Ever since I've been reconnected to you I have been madly in love with you and when you had memory loss after the fire I was devastated and completely miserable without you. I promise to love you unconditionally, to support you in your goals, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live." He says and I let a tear slip down my cheek. He chuckles and wipes the tear off my face carefully trying not to smudge my makeup. He didn't even use note cards for that. 

I giggle "I never will never be able to top that and you know it" I glare at him and he chuckles again.

"I do try me best"

"Ok.. " I pull out the paper with my vows, look back up and see him smirking. "Hey, I need this, you know that I have a bad memory."

He just shrugs and I begin. "I Alicia Johnson, take you, Andrew Biersack, to be my husband and my reason to live. I've always loved you and will never stop loving you till the end off time. You are my best friend and the best cuddler. I promise to share my food with you, send you links to things that I find funny. To try not to get mad when you hog the covers and always text you back as soon as I can. I promise to take care of you when you are old, but the first time you hit me with your cane, I'll find and wash your dentures in toilet water...-" I get cut off by everyone bursting into laughter. I wait a minute for every one to quiet down and resume. "Last I promise that I will love you through sickness and health, unless you become a zombie - then I promise to shoot you in the head... at least twice. I will always respect you and cherish you as long as we both shall live."

I finish and notice that CC, Andy, Ashley, Jinxx and Jake are all on the floor dieing from laughter and a turn around to look at the girls. I see Mel, Sammi and my sister Sophie ( A/N yes she has a sister... and two brothers.. we will get to them in the sequel). They are all laughing. Mel gave me a high five and we all got ourselves back together.

"Well then.. Let us do the rings." The priest says and my little 7 year old brother gives us our rings.

Andy slowly puts mine on and as the ring passed my second knuckle blood started coming out like it did in the music video for white wedding. I look up and see Andy chuckling.

"Really? Fake blood? You just ruined that video for me" I say and he smirks.

"Hey you know I love Billy Idol" He laughed and I put his ring on.

"Do you Alicia Johnson take this mans hand in marr-"

"I do" I say cutting him off. I start to get nervous again because I know I have to tell him after this.

"Do you Andr-"

"I do" he smirks

"OK, you may-"

Before I could breath I was swung around and passionately kissed. Andy pulls away and I breath for air and gasp.

"Wow" I say and he chuckles looking out at everyone. Should I tell him? I've wanted to tell him for days now. OK... you can do this.


"Yes Mrs. Biersack?" he says with a smile plastered across his face.

"I-I'm pregnant"

In love with my best friend-Andy Biersack FINISHEDWhere stories live. Discover now