Chapter 20

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                    Alicia POV

 I open my eyes to a bright room. I look at my surrounding and notice I'm in a hospital. I look at the seat next to me and Andy's not there.

"Andy?" I mumble and he walks in and gives me a confused look. What's so confusing?

"What's wrong?" I ask. I start to get worried when his expression goes from worried to shock.

"You remember me?" He asks sitting down in the chair.

"Um.. I remember you're my boyfriend, my bestfriend and I love you" I say counting all those things off my fingers. He grin, runs over to me and embraces me in a bear hug. I flinch and pull back in pain.

"Ahh Andy not so tight." I exclaim holding my chest. He sits down next to me and explains what I should remember.

"So what you're telling me is that I hit my head hard enough to lose memory of you." I say  trying to comprehend everything "And I should a whole three months, but I cant"

We sit in silence for a few minutes, while I think this whole thing over.

"I remember the fire and  little bit about hitting my head but nothing past that. Everything is just dark and blurry." I say. He grabs my hand and brings it to his face and kisses it. I run my fingers along his stubble filled face. I look at him funny and raise my eyebrows. He never not shaves.

"What?" he says giving me a confused look.

"You always shave.. like always." I say rubbing his unshaven face. He shrugs and kisses me.

"Ahh your face is all scratchy!" I say pulling myself from him. He chuckles and sits back down. I pat the open spot and he smirks and plops down on the bed next to me. I lay my head in his chest and sigh. It feels so good to be with him.

"I love you Bubba"

"I love you too Cookie" He says and kisses my forehead.

His heartbeat is so soothing. After minutes that felt like seconds I fell asleep soundly.


Sorry that I really haven't posted a lot lately I've been busy with school and some other stories I've been working. I hope you guys liked this chapter. I know it was short but you guys will probably like the next chapter. I give no hints...

Thank you and Good night 

In love with my best friend-Andy Biersack FINISHEDDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora