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Shantel's Pov

Once I arrived to the party the smell of alcohol and weed hit me hard.

"Oh yea its just a small party, mhm...small my a.ss!" I sarcastically stated while trying to find one of my old friends in the crowd.

I finally spotted her purple locks and petite figure next to one of the jocks in my class.

"Hey Danny, how you been?" I smiled when she turned and hugged me.

"I missed you so much, baby girl!" she cheered while still embracing me in her arms.

The song 'Hymm for The Weekend' played in the background while we conversate about how our lives have been since I moved.

Danny and I started being friends when we were in kindergarten. She came up to me and smiled the same smile she gives me now and we just talked from then on.

She's my best friend and my other half. I love this girl to bits, she knows about everything including my dreams.

"B.tch we need drinks!" she laughed grabbing me arm and maneuvered me to the bar.

"This is gonna be, fun" I smiled.


Jason's Pov

"She's at a party?" I asked Jacob my brother.

We've been searching for Shantel all day and to find out she's in a party drinking with her best friend and a bunch of teenagers upsets me.

"I'll do the spell if you want, Jason" Jacob suggested but I shook my head.

"I got this just write the address down from
the locator spell" I ordered while I put on some casual clothing.

Jacob handed me the slip of paper and I ran to my car.

I drove off, getting there didn't take long since it was only a mile and a half.

"I'm coming to get you, beautiful" I smiled.


Shantel's Pov

I was two shots away from collapsing. Danny was just going at it, I just sat there and stared at her chugging shot after shot.

She seemed to notice and stopped.

"You only ever drink like this when your upset" I cooed, she put the glass down and hugged me.

"Lets not worry about that and go dance" she smiled her award winning smile.

I was too drunk to even protest, she proceeded to drag me to the dance floor.

We swayed to the rhythm of the music. I felt so free and happy, obviously due to the fact that im so drunk I'll possibly have a hangover tomorrow.

You look so sexy, Baby girl

I swiftly turn to see where the voice came from. My quick reflex scared Danny and she swiftly grabbed me and we walked to the bathroom upstairs.

Once we were there I began to feel faintly ill. She grabbed a small rag and drenched it with cold water.

"Hey you okay, you look like you're about to die?!" Danny jokes in a panic.

She takes her phone out and dials a number. At this point the pain is too unbearable and I begin to wail out again.

The only thing that scared me more than this odd behavior was how loud and demonic it sounded.

The figure who was now even more blurry, put his hand on my forehead and chanted some words.

Lasciarla sola, shes la mia non la tua. (Leave her alone she's mine not yours)

Uccidendo quelle persone sarà solo ucciderla. (Killing those people will only kill her)

Ho detto fermare prima che io strappare il tuo cuore. (I said stop before I rip your throat out!)

I felt the pain start to go away but I couldn't move. I could only hear what Danny and the stranger were saying.

"Keep her away from any harm, I will come back to get her soon to make her my maiden" the stranger announced and I inferred that they were speaking about me.

Danny nodded and hugged him. "I know you're listening, but I'm gonna erase your memory of tonight only" Danny spoke out and with that I fell unconscious.

Next day

I woke up with a sharp pain in my body. I cried out for help and in came Danny.

"Here flower child take these and drink this" she said while handing me the two tablets of Tylenol and a glass of orange Juice.

I smiled and proceeded to swallow the pills down with some juice. I laid my head back down the pillow and fell unconscious again.

Finally after waking up from my needed power nap I got up and out of bed. I headed straight down the steps towards the kitchen for some food. I was starving, Danny was already cooking me waffles and I kissed her cheek with happiness.

After breakfast we decided today would be a movie day. After countless horror movies I began to feel sick again. Danny noticed and began to just stare at me instead of help.

"Danny, I-I don't feel good something is like clawing at My throat" I whimpered holding my throat. She just stayed there with a panicked look.

"I need to call Jason " she whispered to herself but it was loud enough for me to hear. Everything was so loud, it's like my senses heightened.

"Whose Jason?" I asked in an awe, no verbal response. Danny got up and within seconds the door rang. In came a really handsome blonde boy, he looked at me with a death glare that sent chills down my spine.

"Who is this?" I asked in a panicked voice, he changed his expression for a quick second. He seemed almost hurt which confused me due to the fact that I've never met this guy a day in my life.

"You feeling alright, princess?" he asked softly making me melt in a peculiar way.

"Who the f.ck are you and don't call me that" I spat at him which i instantly regretted because after he proceeded to tackle me to the ground and pin me there.

"Don't you ever talk to me in that tone, I don't give a fuck whats wrong you will address me correctly, DO YOU COMPREHEND SHANTEL!?" he screamed in a hoarse voice and I simply nodded in fear.

He got up and I just laid there, I couldn't move.

"What did I get myself into?" I asked myself silently but he heard.

"Don't think that this is your fault, you were simply chosen" he frowned.


To be continued

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